Promote in students the knowledge about the empirical-experimental methodologies used in educational research in order to develop basic skills for the recognition and detection of the variables that influence and co-determine educational phenomena. In detail, the following learning objectives are described:
- Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of empirical research methods in education.
- Ability to apply knowledge and development of critical ability
Understanding, planning and implementing empirical research in education
Learn to evaluate and use the results of empirical studies and evaluate an empirical research plan.
- Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of empirical research methods in education.
- Ability to apply knowledge and development of critical ability
Understanding, planning and implementing empirical research in education
Learn to evaluate and use the results of empirical studies and evaluate an empirical research plan.
teacher profile teaching materials
- Issues and strategies for educational research.
-The construction of the research: identification of problems and research objectives, construction of the theoretical framework, formulation of hypotheses, operational definitions, types of variables, relationships between variables
- Collection of data: qualitative and quantitative techniques
- Coding, data analysis and hypothesis-testing: processing of statistics and bivariate statistics
- learn how to critically redraft hypotheses
- identify paths to solve educational issues.
1) Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
2) Biasi V. (2019). Conflitto psichico e Educazione. Fenomenologia e sperimentazione. Milano: LED.
3) Biasi V. (2017). Dinamiche dell’apprendere. Schemi mentali, interessi e questioni didattico-valutative. Roma: Carocci.
- Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Castellana G. (2018). Dimmi come leggi. Questionario e itinerari didattici sulle strategie di lettura per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Milano: LED.
-Testi/articoli che verranno indicati nel corso delle lezioni (sui temi: orientamento, strategie cognitive e motivazionali, lifeskills, ecc.).
The course main objective is to illustrate and define the main lines of educational research and to provide students with the principal evaluation tools.- Issues and strategies for educational research.
-The construction of the research: identification of problems and research objectives, construction of the theoretical framework, formulation of hypotheses, operational definitions, types of variables, relationships between variables
- Collection of data: qualitative and quantitative techniques
- Coding, data analysis and hypothesis-testing: processing of statistics and bivariate statistics
- learn how to critically redraft hypotheses
- identify paths to solve educational issues.
Core Documentation
PROGRAMMA NON FREQUENTANTI1) Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
2) Biasi V. (2019). Conflitto psichico e Educazione. Fenomenologia e sperimentazione. Milano: LED.
3) Biasi V. (2017). Dinamiche dell’apprendere. Schemi mentali, interessi e questioni didattico-valutative. Roma: Carocci.
- Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Castellana G. (2018). Dimmi come leggi. Questionario e itinerari didattici sulle strategie di lettura per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Milano: LED.
-Testi/articoli che verranno indicati nel corso delle lezioni (sui temi: orientamento, strategie cognitive e motivazionali, lifeskills, ecc.).
Type of delivery of the course
Lessons will be provide an active involment of students. Exercises will be structured on researches conducted in different disciplinary areas and levels of schooling, in particular related to the field of reading and comprehension. Part of the course will be carried out on the Formonline platform.Attendance
In presenzaType of evaluation
Lessons will be provide an active involment of students. Exercises will be structured on researches conducted in different disciplinary areas and levels of schooling, in particular related to the field of reading and comprehension. Part of the course will be carried out on the Formonline platform. teacher profile teaching materials
- Issues and strategies for educational research.
-The construction of the research: identification of problems and research objectives, construction of the theoretical framework, formulation of hypotheses, operational definitions, types of variables, relationships between variables
- Collection of data: qualitative and quantitative techniques
- Coding, data analysis and hypothesis-testing: processing of statistics and bivariate statistics
- learn how to critically redraft hypotheses
- identify paths to solve educational issues.
1) Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
2) Biasi V. (2019). Conflitto psichico e Educazione. Fenomenologia e sperimentazione. Milano: LED.
3) Biasi V. (2017). Dinamiche dell’apprendere. Schemi mentali, interessi e questioni didattico-valutative. Roma: Carocci.
- Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Castellana G. (2018). Dimmi come leggi. Questionario e itinerari didattici sulle strategie di lettura per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Milano: LED.
-Testi/articoli che verranno indicati nel corso delle lezioni (sui temi: orientamento, strategie cognitive e motivazionali, lifeskills, ecc.).
Mutuazione: 22910271 Sperimentazione educativa in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 CASTELLANA GIUSEPPINA
The course main objective is to illustrate and define the main lines of educational research and to provide students with the principal evaluation tools.- Issues and strategies for educational research.
-The construction of the research: identification of problems and research objectives, construction of the theoretical framework, formulation of hypotheses, operational definitions, types of variables, relationships between variables
- Collection of data: qualitative and quantitative techniques
- Coding, data analysis and hypothesis-testing: processing of statistics and bivariate statistics
- learn how to critically redraft hypotheses
- identify paths to solve educational issues.
Core Documentation
PROGRAMMA NON FREQUENTANTI1) Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
2) Biasi V. (2019). Conflitto psichico e Educazione. Fenomenologia e sperimentazione. Milano: LED.
3) Biasi V. (2017). Dinamiche dell’apprendere. Schemi mentali, interessi e questioni didattico-valutative. Roma: Carocci.
- Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Castellana G. (2018). Dimmi come leggi. Questionario e itinerari didattici sulle strategie di lettura per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Milano: LED.
-Testi/articoli che verranno indicati nel corso delle lezioni (sui temi: orientamento, strategie cognitive e motivazionali, lifeskills, ecc.).
Type of delivery of the course
Lessons will be provide an active involment of students. Exercises will be structured on researches conducted in different disciplinary areas and levels of schooling, in particular related to the field of reading and comprehension. Part of the course will be carried out on the Formonline platform.Attendance
In presenzaType of evaluation
Lessons will be provide an active involment of students. Exercises will be structured on researches conducted in different disciplinary areas and levels of schooling, in particular related to the field of reading and comprehension. Part of the course will be carried out on the Formonline platform.