22910036 - Moral philosophy

The course in Moral Philosophy aims to encourage reflection on moral experience, that is, on the ethical quality of human action, naturally oriented towards happiness.
With the study of Moral Philosophy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- Critical knowledge of the main concepts of philosophical ethics, both in historical development and in the theoretical dimension and in the connections with other disciplines and fields of research (psychology, human sciences, educational sciences, artistic disciplines). For this reason, the course aims to: 1. To retrace the main moments and figures for the development of ethical reflection; 2. To analyse the main concepts of ethics: moral experience, conscience, freedom, virtue, law.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- ability to use bibliographic tools and reference works for the understanding of texts on moral philosophy.
- ability to apply methodologies
of reading texts.
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- ability to formulate a reasoned judgment on questions of moral philosophy; to establish relations between ethics and the sciences of education; to identify ethical principles that characterize autonomy and responsibility in professional and social life.
In terms of communication skills:
- practice philosophical discussion as an exercise in respectful dialogue and critical argument.
teacher profile | teaching materials


1. General part

a) Morals, ethos, ethics, metaethics: clarification of terminology

b) Man as a moral subject and the pursuit of happiness

c) The development of moral consciousness from childhood to adulthood

d) Being free: what does it mean?

Monographic part

a) The notion of virtue and its rediscovery in contemporary philosophy

b) Moral questions through literature

c) Education and Virtue

Core Documentation

M.T. RUSSO-L. VALERA, Invito al ben-essere, Aracne, 2015

F. RUSSO (a cura di), La libertà in discussione (attached PDF)

Reference Bibliography

M.T. RUSSO-L. VALERA, Invito al ben-essere, Aracne, 2015 F. RUSSO (a cura di), La libertà in discussione (attached PDF) Additional readings not included in these books will be provided by the instructor.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is conducted at a distance, with the possibility of organizing some in-person classes.


distance course

Type of evaluation

The examination consists of a written test consisting of approximately 30 questions (open-ended and closed-ended questions). The exam grade will be assigned in thirtieths. In mid-semester, there will be an opportunity to participate (optional) in a group work that can bring up to 3 points to be added to the final exam grade.