22910152 - Orientation psychology

With the study of Psychology of Orientation the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension:
- to know the main models of Orientation with particular reference to the new theories on career counseling of Savickas.
In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- apply their knowledge and understanding by formulating career counselling projects.
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- collecting and interpreting data relating to cognitive and personality characteristics that favour adaptation and flexibility in the search for and choice of a profession.
In terms of communication skills:
- be able to conceive and support arguments that apply the models of Psychology of Orientation to various training and work contexts.
In terms of learning capacity:
- Identify data related to cognitive and personality characteristics that favour adaptation and flexibility in the search for and choice of a profession
teacher profile | teaching materials


The lessons will focus on processes, assessment and actions underpinning school achievement and vocational identity and career construction. In details, the presentation of the contents described above will be structured in the following sections:
1) the development of vocational guidance through the lens of main theories and models;
2) the variables involved in school achievement, such as motivation and volition, locus of control, confidence and self-image;
3) vocational training for career development, with particular focus on narrative counseling by Savickas (the Career Story Interview).

Core Documentation

D’Alessio M., Laghi F., Pallini S. (2007). Mi oriento. Il ruolo dei processi motivazionali e volitivi. Padova: Edizioni Piccin Nuova Libraria
Savickas, M. L. (2014). Career counseling. Guida teorica e metodologica per il XXI secolo. Trento: Erickson.

Type of delivery of the course

In addition to traditional lectures conducted with visual aids (slides), the course will also include working in group and role-playing activities that will allow the students’ active involvement.


Class attendance is optional but highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The exam is oral and finalized to ascertain the knowledge about the course contents. The exam is passed with a score of at least 18, whereas the highest score is 30/30. Lode may be added if the student demonstrates to master all the course topics in an excellent way.