The aim of the course is to provide the student with an introductory but complete picture of the object, purpose and functions of the social service in its professional dimension. It also intends to present in an organic way the fundamentals of the profession in their ethical-deontological characterization.
At the end of the course the student has acquired the awareness and the ability to reflect on: a) the social rights of the person and the principles that determine their enforceability, b) the principles of personalization and humanization of the intervention, c) the importance of culture and professional responsibility.
teacher profile teaching materials
In the second part of the course further basic elements of the professional action of the social work in Italy will be addressed: area of knowledge and intervention, objectives and functions, elements of professional methodology, research tradition and elaboration of the systematic body of disciplinary theoretical knowledge.
The third part will complete the programme by dealing with the value base of social work - inspirational values, operational principles and professional attitudes - and the ethical-deontological base, read in relation to the contents of the Code of Ethics for Social Workers.
Stefani M. (2011) (a cura di), Le origini del servizio sociale italiano, Viella, Roma.
Filippini S. (2020) (a cura di), Nuovo Codice deontologico dell'assistente sociale: le responsabilità professionali, Carocci, Roma
Other recommended materials
Campanini A. (Eds) (2022), Nuovo Dizionario di Servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma.
The first part of the course will introduce the fundamental concepts of social phenomena and problems central to the emergence and transformation of the welfare system and social service in an international perspective. Specifically, elements and aspects of social work will be presented in relation to the evolutionary dimension of the professionalisation of philanthropy.In the second part of the course further basic elements of the professional action of the social work in Italy will be addressed: area of knowledge and intervention, objectives and functions, elements of professional methodology, research tradition and elaboration of the systematic body of disciplinary theoretical knowledge.
The third part will complete the programme by dealing with the value base of social work - inspirational values, operational principles and professional attitudes - and the ethical-deontological base, read in relation to the contents of the Code of Ethics for Social Workers.
Core Documentation
Dal Pra Ponticelli (2010), Nuove prospettive per il servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma.Stefani M. (2011) (a cura di), Le origini del servizio sociale italiano, Viella, Roma.
Filippini S. (2020) (a cura di), Nuovo Codice deontologico dell'assistente sociale: le responsabilità professionali, Carocci, Roma
Other recommended materials
Campanini A. (Eds) (2022), Nuovo Dizionario di Servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma.
Reference Bibliography
-Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of lectures, seminars, tutorials and group work on both case studies and topical issues relating to individual and community problems dealt with by the social services. Attendance is strongly recommended. Teaching materials for both students and non-attendees will be made available on the Formonline platform.Attendance
Attendance is strongly recommended.Type of evaluation
The examination takes place in written and oral form. The oral part consists of an in-depth study of the above-mentioned texts. The programme must be studied in detail and in full, using the texts and sources available. In the oral examination, the topics of the texts and the work presented in the paper are examined in depth.