Objectives of the course are a) to provide the informative and conceptual bases that allow to frame social policies in their modern historical evolution and to decode the meaning and orientations of the interventions that can be carried out in the field of social protection and b) provide an essential framework of the main regulations governing the social services sector.

At the end of the course the student:
- knows the aims of modern social policies and their historical evolution and is able to place today's guidelines for social protection within the framework of welfare regime types;
- is able to appropriately place the sectoral interventions of social protection in the scenario of contemporary social policies;
- has a conceptual and terminological heritage suitable for discussing the main themes of the social policy in an appropriate manner;
- has learned the legal bases governing the local systems of social services and knows the main laws concerning the social services sector.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The Social Policy and Social Services Legislation course consists of two modules.

The SOCIAL POLICY module intends to provide the cognitive and conceptual bases that make it possible to frame social policies in their modern historical evolution and to decode the meaning and orientations of the interventions that can be carried out in the field of social protection. At the end of the module the student:

- knows the aims of modern social policies and their historical evolution and is able to place the current guidelines of social protection within the framework of the types of welfare regime;
- is able to appropriately place the sectoral interventions of social protection in the scenario of contemporary social policies;
- has a suitable conceptual and terminological heritage to appropriately discuss the main issues of the social policy.

The SOCIAL SERVICES LEGISLATION module intends to provide an essential framework of the main regulations governing the social services sector, with particular regard to the context of the Lazio Region. At the end of the module the student has learned the normative foundations that regulate the local systems of social services and knows the main laws concerning the social services sector.

In the first part of the course, a historical-theoretical framework of the concepts of social policy and the welfare system is proposed, the main models of which are described. The ways in which social change and the transformation of needs affect the structure of social policies are then discussed and the picture of the actors of the social protection system is presented. The transition from the welfare state to the welfare mix and the concept of local welfare is then illustrated. The policies of the social protection sector are also described (social security, health, assistance and social services) of which a general classification and profile is presented in the Italian context. Finally, the possible future scenarios of social policies in Italy are discussed.

The second part deals with the constitutional bases of the right to social assistance (Article 38 of the Constitution) and the path that between the 1970s and 1990s leads to the administrative decentralization of social assistance functions; the approval of the framework law 328/2000 for the implementation of the integrated system of interventions and social services, the main aspects of which are discussed; the reform carried out with Const. Law 3/2001 and its implications on the territorial system of social services; the development of regional legislation on social services; the system and the main elements of the Lazio regional law 11/2016, with particular reference to the principle for access to services, the definition of the essential levels of performance, the bodies that regulate the functioning and the actors involved in the system; the structure of the Lazio 2017-2019 Regional Social Plan and the contents relating to the essential levels of social benefits. In the final part, the course essentially presents some of the main national sector regulations for the area of ​​minors and families.

Core Documentation

- Ferrera M., Le politiche sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019
- Franzoni F., Anconelli M., La rete dei servizi alla persona. Dalla normativa alla organizzazione, Roma, Carocci, 2021

- basic knowledge of the following references of general legislation with national relevance: art. 38 of the Constitution, art. 117 of the Constitution, artt. 128-133 d. lgs 112/98, Law 328/2000, L. Cost. 3/2001
- basic knowledge of the following national sector regulations: Law 833/1978, Law 180/1978, Law 184/1983, Law 104/1992, Law 68/1999, Law 285/1997, Law 147/2017, law 112/2016, law 162/1998
- detailed knowledge of Regional Law 11/2016 and in particular of Chapters I, III, IV, V and VI.

Reference Bibliography

No reference bibliography is reported

Type of delivery of the course

The course takes place in the first and second semester. The Social Policy module is developed in the first semester, the Social Services Legislation module in the second semester. Classes begin on October 4 and - to encourage students' attendance - are concentrated in one day a week and in the afternoon: Tuesday at 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm classroom 3. Any remedial lessons or other supplementary activities can be carried out in a distance and will be carried out at different times from that of the classroom teaching activities. The teaching activities will be carried out in the classroom without any remote connection for streaming viewing. Ad hoc documentation will be prepared for students for whom it is possible to have materials to be viewed remotely. Attending students who will be interested will be offered group work under the guidance of the teacher. Adhering to the proposal and carrying out the required activities will reduce the consistency of the exam program and the number of questions to be answered in the written test.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a written part and, after passing this, an oral part. The written test consists of 3 open-ended questions on Social Policy and 3 open-ended questions on Social Services Legislation. The 3 Social Policy questions are formulated by referring to as many thematic areas present in the course program, namely: 1. the general framework of social policies, 2. the characteristics of the Italian social protection system, 3. social policies of a sectoral nature . The 3 questions on social services legislation are formulated with reference to as many thematic areas present in the course program, namely: 1. the evolution of national legislation and the implementation of law 328/2000; 2. the provisions of the regional law 11/2016, 3. the main regulations on social service interventions in the field of disabilities, minors, justice, non self-sufficiency. A total of 60 minutes is available for the written test. The answers must be congruent with the questions posed in the questions. The proposed themes are deliberately wide-ranging and allow for articulated responses. Providing extremely essential answers will therefore lead to a penalty in the evaluation. The evaluation of the test will be carried out taking into account the merit of the contents inserted but also the form of the answer, so we invite you to pay attention to the composition of the text, which must be clear and correct from a logical and syntactic-grammatical point of view. The oral exam will take place in the days following the oral exam and will refer to the entire teaching program.