Objectives of the course are:
1) to reinforce in the student the trifocal perspective of the professional social service with a) the deepening of the focus on person and family and the knowledge of the main professional tools, and b) the development of the skills to be used in the organizational and in community work;
2) provide the student with the basis for an evaluation approach.
At the end of the course the student:
- knows the organizational contexts in which the work of the social worker takes place, and the main theoretical approaches to the organizations
- knows how to orientate itself in primary and secondary networks, with particular attention to the integration between social and health networks
- knows the fundamentals and history of community social service
- knows the fundamentals of evaluation in the aid process, projects and services
1) to reinforce in the student the trifocal perspective of the professional social service with a) the deepening of the focus on person and family and the knowledge of the main professional tools, and b) the development of the skills to be used in the organizational and in community work;
2) provide the student with the basis for an evaluation approach.
At the end of the course the student:
- knows the organizational contexts in which the work of the social worker takes place, and the main theoretical approaches to the organizations
- knows how to orientate itself in primary and secondary networks, with particular attention to the integration between social and health networks
- knows the fundamentals and history of community social service
- knows the fundamentals of evaluation in the aid process, projects and services
teacher profile teaching materials
1. Tools and strategies in the care relationship with people.
- The care relationship: characteristics and problematic aspects
- The Phases of the methodological process
- The functions of accompaniment and help process
- The assessment
- The professional social work interview
- The visits Home
2. Tools and strategies in the complexity of social work
- Group work and working with groups
- Network of/with/in work
- Community work
- Development and evaluation of social work projects
3. Social work organization and intervention areas
- Italian and international context of social work
- Types of organizations and the role of social workers
- Social and health care integration.
- Social work and children and families
- Social work and mental health
- Social work and non-self-sufficient people
- Social work juvenile justice
- Research and social work
- Social work documents in different work settings
Zilianti, A. e Rovai, B. (2007). Assistenti sociali professionisti. Metodologia del lavoro sociale, Carocci Faber, Roma (studiare solamente DAL capitolo 1 AL capitolo 6)
Allegri, E. (2015). Il servizio sociale di comunità. Carocci Faber (studiare solamente i capitoli 4 e 5)
Leone, L. e Prezza, M. (1999). Costruire e valutare i progetti nel sociale. Franco Angeli, Milano (studiare solamente i capitoli 2, 3, 4 e 5)
Campanini A. M. (2016). Gli ambiti di intervento del servizio sociale. Carocci Faber (studiare solamente i capitoli 2, 4, 9, 11, 13 e 14)
Normativa di riferimento per ogni ambito di intervento del servizio sociale.
Raineri, M.L. e Corradini, F. (2022). Linee guida e procedure di servizio sociale. Erickson (studiare solamente DAL capitolo 4 AL capitolo 15)
Bini, L. (2003). Documentazione e servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma (studiare solamente i capitoli 2 e 5)
Un articolo di ricerca a scelta tra quelli presenti nella lista caricata su formonline o concordato insieme al docente (almeno un mese prima), in merito ad un ambito di intervento del servizio sociale.
The course program will be organized in three parts:1. Tools and strategies in the care relationship with people.
- The care relationship: characteristics and problematic aspects
- The Phases of the methodological process
- The functions of accompaniment and help process
- The assessment
- The professional social work interview
- The visits Home
2. Tools and strategies in the complexity of social work
- Group work and working with groups
- Network of/with/in work
- Community work
- Development and evaluation of social work projects
3. Social work organization and intervention areas
- Italian and international context of social work
- Types of organizations and the role of social workers
- Social and health care integration.
- Social work and children and families
- Social work and mental health
- Social work and non-self-sufficient people
- Social work juvenile justice
- Research and social work
- Social work documents in different work settings
Core Documentation
TESTI OBBLIGATORI:Zilianti, A. e Rovai, B. (2007). Assistenti sociali professionisti. Metodologia del lavoro sociale, Carocci Faber, Roma (studiare solamente DAL capitolo 1 AL capitolo 6)
Allegri, E. (2015). Il servizio sociale di comunità. Carocci Faber (studiare solamente i capitoli 4 e 5)
Leone, L. e Prezza, M. (1999). Costruire e valutare i progetti nel sociale. Franco Angeli, Milano (studiare solamente i capitoli 2, 3, 4 e 5)
Campanini A. M. (2016). Gli ambiti di intervento del servizio sociale. Carocci Faber (studiare solamente i capitoli 2, 4, 9, 11, 13 e 14)
Normativa di riferimento per ogni ambito di intervento del servizio sociale.
Raineri, M.L. e Corradini, F. (2022). Linee guida e procedure di servizio sociale. Erickson (studiare solamente DAL capitolo 4 AL capitolo 15)
Bini, L. (2003). Documentazione e servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma (studiare solamente i capitoli 2 e 5)
Un articolo di ricerca a scelta tra quelli presenti nella lista caricata su formonline o concordato insieme al docente (almeno un mese prima), in merito ad un ambito di intervento del servizio sociale.
Reference Bibliography
Campanini, A. M. (a cura di) (2022). Nuovo dizionario di Servizio sociale, Carocci Faber, Roma. Sanicola, L. (2009). Dinamiche di rete e lavoro sociale, Liguori, Napoli Bartolomei, A., e Passera, A. L. (2002). L'assistente sociale: manuale di servizio sociale professionale. CieRre edizioni.Type of delivery of the course
Examination will be given in oral form. During the exam, students will also be asked about an area of social service intervention through an in-depth study of a research article on the topic, chosen together with the professor (at least one month in advance). An optional written test will be prepared in December on half of the program.