The objectives of the course are: a) to provide the basic knowledge of developmental psychology, with particular attention to theoretical and methodological aspects and to the application of this knowledge in the educational, clinical-health and social fields; b) represent typical psychological development, the inter-individual variability that characterizes it; c) give an account of the weight of the genetic-biological and environmental-cultural factors underlying psychological development.

At the end of the course the student learned:
- changes related to the concepts of "child" and psychological development;
- the basic concepts relating to cognitive, communicative-linguistic and emotional-social development in the period from childhood to adolescence;
- the ability to recognize typical and risky psychological behaviors during the developmental age.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to provide knowledge on human development in the life cycle, with a focus on theoretical and methodological aspects and the application of this knowledge in the social field. The resources, challenges, processes and mechanisms involved during development and major transformations will be examined. Specific attention will be paid to special transitions (e.g. separated/divorced families; adoptive/foster families) and dysfunctional conditions (e.g. disability).

The topics of this course are the following:
- The first changes during development: the childhood
- The challenges of growing up: the adolescence
- Becoming an adult: maturity and parenthood
- Separated and divorced families
- Foster and adoptive families
- Families and children with disabilities
- Health challenges: the ageing

Core Documentation

Basic text:
Kloep M., Hendry L.B., Sica L.S., Aleni Sestito L.(2021). Lo sviluppo nel ciclo di vita. Il Mulino (205 pagine)

Some topics will be explored in depth through the study of a few chapters from the following books:

1.Palmonari (2011). Psicologia dell’Adolescenza. Terza Edizione. Il Mulino.
Capitolo 2. Le fasi adolescenziali e giovanili nello sviluppo psicosociale.
Capitolo 5. Pubertà e sviluppo Fisico.
Capitolo 10. Le relazioni familiari.

2. De Beni Borella (2015). Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento e della longevità. Seconda Edizione. Il Mulino
Capitolo 2. Temi, problemi e prospettive della psicologia dell’invecchiamento e della longevità.
Capitolo 3. La popolazione che invecchia.
Capitolo 7. Emozioni, motivazioni, e personalità nell’invecchiamento attivo.

3. Soresi (2016). Psicologia delle disabilità e dell’inclusione. Il Mulino
Capitolo 2.Dalla classificazione delle menomazioni e delle disabilità alla partecipazione alle ‘like skills’ .
Capitolo 5. Psicologia Positiva e Disabilità .
Capitolo 9. Passi verso l’inclusione senza se e senza ma.

Questi primi tre materiali costituiscono una dispensa che è presente in libreria.

4. Rosnati R e Iafrate R (2023). Psicologia dell’Adozione e dell’Affido. Vita e Pensiero.
Capitolo 1. Accogliere i figli altrui.
Capitolo 2. Adozione e Affido .

5. Dowling Barnes (2018). Lavorare con i bambini nel processo di separazione e divorzio. Franco Angeli.
capitolo 1. Il cambiamento delle famiglie e le angosce dei bambini.
capitolo 2 Cornice teorica: transizioni e fattori di rischio nella separazione e divorzio.

Questi ultimi due materiali sono presenti presso la copisteria GERI in via Farini 41-43 Roma.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and case discussions are provided. A dedicated environment is available for this teaching on the Formonline platform, where you can find the material presented in lectures and notices about the teaching and examination.


Frequency is not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The written test is conducted in the telematic square and consists of 2 tests: "Filter" test: involves 10 questions with multiple answers. The questions cover topics presented in the 3 textbooks. The questions are presented in sequential order and it is not possible to return to previous questions. The maximum time available is 12 minutes. Students with Specific Learning Disorder or Disability have an extension of maximum time (30% and 50%). Correct answers receive 1 point; incorrect answers or omissions receive 0 (zero) points. If students/students answer at least 6 questions correctly, they can proceed to the second test. Students receive the outcome of the filter test immediately after the test and know whether or not they can proceed with the "open questions" test. The "open questions" test involves 2 questions. The questions cover 2 topics from the 3 textbooks. The questions are presented in sequential order. The maximum time allotted is 20 minutes. Students with Specific Learning Disorder or Disabilities have an extension of maximum time (30% and 50%).

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to provide knowledge on human development in the life cycle, with a focus on theoretical and methodological aspects and the application of this knowledge in the social field. The resources, challenges, processes and mechanisms involved during development and major transformations will be examined. Specific attention will be paid to special transitions (e.g. separated/divorced families; adoptive/foster families) and dysfunctional conditions (e.g. disability).

The topics of this course are the following:
- The first changes during development: the childhood
- The challenges of growing up: the adolescence
- Becoming an adult: maturity and parenthood
- Separated and divorced families
- Foster and adoptive families
- Families and children with disabilities
- Health challenges: the ageing

Core Documentation

Basic text:
Kloep M., Hendry L.B., Sica L.S., Aleni Sestito L.(2021). Lo sviluppo nel ciclo di vita. Il Mulino (205 pagine)

Some topics will be explored in depth through the study of a few chapters from the following books:

1.Palmonari (2011). Psicologia dell’Adolescenza. Terza Edizione. Il Mulino.
Capitolo 2. Le fasi adolescenziali e giovanili nello sviluppo psicosociale.
Capitolo 5. Pubertà e sviluppo Fisico.
Capitolo 10. Le relazioni familiari.

2. De Beni Borella (2015). Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento e della longevità. Seconda Edizione. Il Mulino
Capitolo 2. Temi, problemi e prospettive della psicologia dell’invecchiamento e della longevità.
Capitolo 3. La popolazione che invecchia.
Capitolo 7. Emozioni, motivazioni, e personalità nell’invecchiamento attivo.

3. Soresi (2016). Psicologia delle disabilità e dell’inclusione. Il Mulino
Capitolo 2.Dalla classificazione delle menomazioni e delle disabilità alla partecipazione alle ‘like skills’ .
Capitolo 5. Psicologia Positiva e Disabilità .
Capitolo 9. Passi verso l’inclusione senza se e senza ma.

Questi primi tre materiali costituiscono una dispensa che è presente in libreria.

4. Rosnati R e Iafrate R (2023). Psicologia dell’Adozione e dell’Affido. Vita e Pensiero.
Capitolo 1. Accogliere i figli altrui.
Capitolo 2. Adozione e Affido .

5. Dowling Barnes (2018). Lavorare con i bambini nel processo di separazione e divorzio. Franco Angeli.
capitolo 1. Il cambiamento delle famiglie e le angosce dei bambini.
capitolo 2 Cornice teorica: transizioni e fattori di rischio nella separazione e divorzio.

Questi ultimi due materiali sono presenti presso la copisteria GERI in via Farini 41-43 Roma.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and case discussions are provided. A dedicated environment is available for this teaching on the Formonline platform, where you can find the material presented in lectures and notices about the teaching and examination.


Frequency is not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The written test is conducted in the telematic square and consists of 2 tests: "Filter" test: involves 10 questions with multiple answers. The questions cover topics presented in the 3 textbooks. The questions are presented in sequential order and it is not possible to return to previous questions. The maximum time available is 12 minutes. Students with Specific Learning Disorder or Disability have an extension of maximum time (30% and 50%). Correct answers receive 1 point; incorrect answers or omissions receive 0 (zero) points. If students/students answer at least 6 questions correctly, they can proceed to the second test. Students receive the outcome of the filter test immediately after the test and know whether or not they can proceed with the "open questions" test. The "open questions" test involves 2 questions. The questions cover 2 topics from the 3 textbooks. The questions are presented in sequential order. The maximum time allotted is 20 minutes. Students with Specific Learning Disorder or Disabilities have an extension of maximum time (30% and 50%).