The nature and increasing complexity of the needs of people who turn to professional social work are constantly evolving, as are the challenges posed to professionals by territories, communities and welfare organisations themselves. All this requires social workers to be able to activate and maintain professional methods, tools and techniques in order to have a lasting transformative impact on people, communities and organisations themselves.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course, after an initial conceptualisation part on issues related to social service, techniques and professional tools with an innovative character, will propose an overview on methodologies for the activation, planning and design of innovative professional interventions.
The course will include seminars on specific topics chosen by the teacher and the class group, case studies and action-research paths. The students will have to carry out a thematic project in teams on a specific field. The presentation will then be discussed individually.

Core Documentation

Fargion S. (2021), Il metodo del servizio sociale. Riflessioni, casi e ricerche, Carocci Faber, Roma
Elena Allegri (2015), Il servizio sociale di comunità, Carrocci, Roma
Bertotti T., Fazzi L., Rosignoli A. (2021), Il servizio sociale: le competenze chiave, Carocci, Roma

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, project-based learning, seminar activities on specific topics with the possibility of involving experts. Exercises with active teaching methods such as: group work, simulations of operational situations, processing of professional materials, viewing of video material.

Type of evaluation

Students who regularly attend lectures are invited to submit a written paper as described in the lectures. More information will be provided by the teacher during the lessons. Teaching will be frontal and seminar-based, and students will be required to actively participate in the preparation of shared learning tools through the use of the educational platform formonline.uniroma3.it