To integrate knowledge about the most interesting voices of contemporary pedagogy with the results of international interdisciplinary research in order to explore the phenomenology of human expression and the problems related to pedagogical action aimed at the expressive realization of the other.

The course aims to achieve the following educational objectives for the student.

In terms of knowledge and comprehension:

- describe the epistemological field and the methodological procedures that characterize the discipline;

- to identify the problematic nodes that pertain to the discipline.

In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:

- to experiment with the methodological knowledge acquired;

- devising paths of pedagogy of expression suitable for different educational contexts.

In terms of autonomy of judgement:

- Linking the theoretical dimension to educational practice in the expressive field;

- Evaluate paths of pedagogy of expression in relation to different educational contexts.

In terms of communication skills:

- to convey the meaning and value of pedagogical attention to expressive dynamics;

- Contribute to the realization of educational projects that develop relational and expressive skills.

In terms of learning capacity:

- interpreting a poetic and theatrical text;

- integrate educational proposals that are inattentive to the dynamics of human expression and understanding.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Education, Training, Instruction as ways to impact on being.
The course aims to investigate the role of pedagogy in the existential crossing of the threshold that separates appearance from being.

Core Documentation

Baldacci M., Colicchi E. (Eds.). (2020). I concetti fondamentali della pedagogia. Avio Edizioni.
Ducci E. (1999). Approdi dell'umano. Anicia.
Scaramuzzo G. (2013). Così è (se vi pare). Una lettura pedagogica. Anicia.
Scaramuzzo G. (2010). Paideia mimesis. Anicia.
Scaramuzzo G. (Ed.) (2011). Mimopaideia. Buone pratiche per una pedagogia dell'espressione
Plato. The Republic (qualunque edizione con testo greco a fronte).

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be delivered in presence and the active participation of students will be encouraged.

Type of evaluation

An oral test in which the candidate present an original elaboration of the programme and answers questions posed by the lecturer.