a) the voices of present pedagogical research
b) with the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of educational processes of children, adolescents and with a specific attention to adults, of education, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, of expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexi-cal, ludic styles, cognitive styles, learning styles, social styles,
c) with the usability of traditional and innovative educa-tional strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, orientation and self-orientation, creativity, active interaction, expressive appropriateness, lexical and semantic pedagogical appro-priateness,
d) with the analytic, logic, reflexive reading of social and educational phenomena,
e) with the elaboration of educational and socio-educational projects aiming at integration and inclusion within societies and labour markets,
f) with methodological and technical competences supporting the ability of monitoring and distinguishing the evaluation from the assessment of human resources and of the designed lifelong learning educational projects,
g) with the clear knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of national and international educational policies.
By the study of Modern theories of education and pedagogy of expression (Exchange Program) the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding:
- defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field;
- adopting a reflexive, observative, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links;
- knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches promoting the idea of projectuality as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups;
- knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools promoting the idea of inclusion and integration within societies and labour markets as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents;
- knowing the tools of the educational policies for inclusion and integration;
- knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships;
- adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal;
- knowing the role and function of present educational agencies;
- knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- analysing and deepening the meanings of the best educational and training practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods;
- being available to networking and group-working;
- being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need of being reliable and credible;
- being able to build inclusive contexts for children, adolescents, adults with cognitive and social difficulties;
- identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on learning, social, expressive, communicational styles;
- reading, grasping, identifying, defining educational and socialisation needs within life contexts;
- assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings;
- identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on learning styles.
Making judgements:
- linking pedagogical theory to learning processes;
- assessing the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches;
- using a systemic thinking.
Communication skills:
- using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel school;
- listening to and understanding the needs communicated by children, adolescents, adults within operational settings implementing educational activities, training, socialisation, expression, communication, orientation, self-orientation;
- adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action;
- adopting a pedagogic lexicon based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives;
- significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary.
Learning skills:
- being available to participate in different scientific and cultural research contexts and networks;
- understanding the meaning of present educational challenges;
- valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education and didactics;
- interacting within traditional educational settings and within parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning.
a) the voices of present pedagogical research
b) with the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of educational processes of children, adolescents and with a specific attention to adults, of education, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, of expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexi-cal, ludic styles, cognitive styles, learning styles, social styles,
c) with the usability of traditional and innovative educa-tional strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, orientation and self-orientation, creativity, active interaction, expressive appropriateness, lexical and semantic pedagogical appro-priateness,
d) with the analytic, logic, reflexive reading of social and educational phenomena,
e) with the elaboration of educational and socio-educational projects aiming at integration and inclusion within societies and labour markets,
f) with methodological and technical competences supporting the ability of monitoring and distinguishing the evaluation from the assessment of human resources and of the designed lifelong learning educational projects,
g) with the clear knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of national and international educational policies.
By the study of Modern theories of education and pedagogy of expression (Exchange Program) the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding:
- defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field;
- adopting a reflexive, observative, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links;
- knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches promoting the idea of projectuality as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups;
- knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools promoting the idea of inclusion and integration within societies and labour markets as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents;
- knowing the tools of the educational policies for inclusion and integration;
- knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships;
- adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal;
- knowing the role and function of present educational agencies;
- knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- analysing and deepening the meanings of the best educational and training practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods;
- being available to networking and group-working;
- being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need of being reliable and credible;
- being able to build inclusive contexts for children, adolescents, adults with cognitive and social difficulties;
- identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on learning, social, expressive, communicational styles;
- reading, grasping, identifying, defining educational and socialisation needs within life contexts;
- assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings;
- identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on learning styles.
Making judgements:
- linking pedagogical theory to learning processes;
- assessing the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches;
- using a systemic thinking.
Communication skills:
- using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel school;
- listening to and understanding the needs communicated by children, adolescents, adults within operational settings implementing educational activities, training, socialisation, expression, communication, orientation, self-orientation;
- adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action;
- adopting a pedagogic lexicon based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives;
- significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary.
Learning skills:
- being available to participate in different scientific and cultural research contexts and networks;
- understanding the meaning of present educational challenges;
- valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education and didactics;
- interacting within traditional educational settings and within parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning.
teacher profile teaching materials
12 scheduled seminars are concerned with specific issues; these seminars have a different and specific work programme.
Piccione V.A., Minors and new universal rights (pp. 37-62, 251-282)
Piccione V.A., Present youngsters' educational needs and innovative approaches in teaching, "Revista de Psicología y Educación”, 2016, XI, II, pp. 65-83
Methodological, ethical, technical problems concerned with education and training; valorisation of human resources as a professional model; the educational communication as an active strategy in different cultural, social, professional settings and processes. Transferrable professional models in socio-educational settings. Organizational and projectual strategies based on the network model. Performance flexibility and expertise in programming and interacting within systems.12 scheduled seminars are concerned with specific issues; these seminars have a different and specific work programme.
Core Documentation
Piccione V.A., The new pedagogical settings (pp. 11-116)Piccione V.A., Minors and new universal rights (pp. 37-62, 251-282)
Piccione V.A., Present youngsters' educational needs and innovative approaches in teaching, "Revista de Psicología y Educación”, 2016, XI, II, pp. 65-83
Reference Bibliography
Anzieu Didier, Le penser, du moi-peau au moi-pensant, Dunod, Paris 1994. Augé Marc, Les formes de l’oubli, Payot & Rivages, Paris 1998. Bateson Gregory, Mind and nature, A necessary unity, Bantam, New York 1980. Batini Federico, Del Sarto Gabriel, Narrazioni di narrazioni. Orientamento narrativo e progetto di vita, Erickson, Trento 2005. Batini Federico, Capecchi Gloria (a cura di), Strumenti di partecipazione. Metodi, giochi e attività per l’empowerment individuale e lo sviluppo locale, Erickson, Trento 2005. Benasayag Miguel, Schmit Gérard, Les passions tristes. Souffrance psychique et crise sociale, Découverte, Paris 2003. Bruner Jerome, Actual minds, possible worlds, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts) - London 1986. De Kerckhove D., Brainframes: technology, mind and business. Utrecht: Bosch & Keuning 1991. European Migration Network, Sixth EMN Italy Report. International students at Italian Universities: empirical survey and insights. Roma: European Migration Network 2013. Gardner Howard, Creating minds, Basic Books, New York 1994. Gardner Howard, The disciplined mind. What all students should understand, Simon & Schuster, New York 1999. Gardner Howard, Five minds for the future, Harvard Business School Press, Boston 2006. Goffman Erving, Encounters. Two studies in the sociology of interaction, Bobbs - Merrill, Indianapolis 1961. Landow George P., The convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 19972. Maffesoli Michel, Du nomadisme. Vagabondages initiatiques, Librairie Générale de France, Paris 1997. McLuhan Marshall, The Gutenberg Galaxy. The Making of typographic man, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1962. McLuhan Marshall, Understanding media, Mentor Books, New York 1964. Morin Edgar, La tête bien faite, Seuil, Paris 1999. Morin Edgar, Culture et barbarie européennes, Bayard, Paris 2005. Ong Walter J, Orality and literacy. The technologizing of the word, Methuen, London and New York 1982. Rifkin Jeremy, The age of access: the new culture of hypercapitalism where all of life is a paid-for experience, Putnam, New York 2000. Sévilla Jean, Moralement correct. Recherche valeurs désespérément, Perrin, Paris 2007. Sternberg Robert J., Spear Swerling Louise, Teaching for thinking, APA, Washington 1996. Virgilio Publio Marone, Eneide, traduzione di Luca Canali, Mondadori, Milano 1989.Type of delivery of the course
Lectures and classes. Use of slides, graphics. Narrative approaches deepening concrete issues. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the provisions regulating distant learning will be implemented.Attendance
Students are asked to attend the course seminars during both semesters. Erasmus students and non-Italian-speakers can ask for additional lectures, classes, examinations in English.Type of evaluation
Oral examination. Individual answers to tests. Elaboration of an essay on seminars’ technical impact on the professional style of social educators and teachers. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the provisions regulating the assessment and evaluation distant activities will be implemented. teacher profile teaching materials
12 scheduled seminars are concerned with specific issues; these seminars have a different and specific work programme.
Piccione V.A., Minors and new universal rights (pp. 37-62, 251-282)
Piccione V.A., Present youngsters' educational needs and innovative approaches in teaching, "Revista de Psicología y Educación”, 2016, XI, II, pp. 65-83
Methodological, ethical, technical problems concerned with education and training; valorisation of human resources as a professional model; the educational communication as an active strategy in different cultural, social, professional settings and processes. Transferrable professional models in socio-educational settings. Organizational and projectual strategies based on the network model. Performance flexibility and expertise in programming and interacting within systems.12 scheduled seminars are concerned with specific issues; these seminars have a different and specific work programme.
Core Documentation
Piccione V.A., The new pedagogical settings (pp. 11-116)Piccione V.A., Minors and new universal rights (pp. 37-62, 251-282)
Piccione V.A., Present youngsters' educational needs and innovative approaches in teaching, "Revista de Psicología y Educación”, 2016, XI, II, pp. 65-83
Reference Bibliography
Anzieu Didier, Le penser, du moi-peau au moi-pensant, Dunod, Paris 1994. Augé Marc, Les formes de l’oubli, Payot & Rivages, Paris 1998. Bateson Gregory, Mind and nature, A necessary unity, Bantam, New York 1980. Batini Federico, Del Sarto Gabriel, Narrazioni di narrazioni. Orientamento narrativo e progetto di vita, Erickson, Trento 2005. Batini Federico, Capecchi Gloria (a cura di), Strumenti di partecipazione. Metodi, giochi e attività per l’empowerment individuale e lo sviluppo locale, Erickson, Trento 2005. Benasayag Miguel, Schmit Gérard, Les passions tristes. Souffrance psychique et crise sociale, Découverte, Paris 2003. Bruner Jerome, Actual minds, possible worlds, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts) - London 1986. De Kerckhove D., Brainframes: technology, mind and business. Utrecht: Bosch & Keuning 1991. European Migration Network, Sixth EMN Italy Report. International students at Italian Universities: empirical survey and insights. Roma: European Migration Network 2013. Gardner Howard, Creating minds, Basic Books, New York 1994. Gardner Howard, The disciplined mind. What all students should understand, Simon & Schuster, New York 1999. Gardner Howard, Five minds for the future, Harvard Business School Press, Boston 2006. Goffman Erving, Encounters. Two studies in the sociology of interaction, Bobbs - Merrill, Indianapolis 1961. Landow George P., The convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 19972. Maffesoli Michel, Du nomadisme. Vagabondages initiatiques, Librairie Générale de France, Paris 1997. McLuhan Marshall, The Gutenberg Galaxy. The Making of typographic man, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1962. McLuhan Marshall, Understanding media, Mentor Books, New York 1964. Morin Edgar, La tête bien faite, Seuil, Paris 1999. Morin Edgar, Culture et barbarie européennes, Bayard, Paris 2005. Ong Walter J, Orality and literacy. The technologizing of the word, Methuen, London and New York 1982. Rifkin Jeremy, The age of access: the new culture of hypercapitalism where all of life is a paid-for experience, Putnam, New York 2000. Sévilla Jean, Moralement correct. Recherche valeurs désespérément, Perrin, Paris 2007. Sternberg Robert J., Spear Swerling Louise, Teaching for thinking, APA, Washington 1996. Virgilio Publio Marone, Eneide, traduzione di Luca Canali, Mondadori, Milano 1989.Type of delivery of the course
Lectures and classes. Use of slides, graphics. Narrative approaches deepening concrete issues. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the provisions regulating distant learning will be implemented.Attendance
Students are asked to attend the course seminars during both semesters. Erasmus students and non-Italian-speakers can ask for additional lectures, classes, examinations in English.Type of evaluation
Oral examination. Individual answers to tests. Elaboration of an essay on seminars’ technical impact on the professional style of social educators and teachers. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the provisions regulating the assessment and evaluation distant activities will be implemented.