22902619 - Laboratory of Methods and teaching of motor activity

From the promotion of the development of the moving body to the education to citizenship - A four-pillar model: physical fitness, motor coordination, cognition and creativity, life skills.
Methods and teaching to promote the development of physical fitness for health, of fundamental movement skills, motor control and perceptual-motor adaptation abilities, executive cognitive function, motor creativity and creative thinking, and intrapersonal and interpersonal life skills.

Knowledge and understanding:
- theory of developmental age
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- methods for the development of body scheme, postural patterns and fundamental movement skills, motor abilities and skills
- adapted motor activities for special populations.
- teaching styles
- Joy of Moving method
Making judgements:
- critical thinking on teaching methodologies
- selection of programs, methods, materials to realize appropriate interventions
- self-evaluation of their own knowledge
Communication skills:
- to have efficient communication skills for teaching
- to handle communication with peers, children, parents
Learning skills
- to use in-depth analysis and integration strategies
- to know how get pertinent material for teaching
- to know how to apply scientific research


teacher profile | teaching materials


The Laboratory of METHODS AND TEACHING METHODS OF MOTOR ACTIVITIES (1 CFU), I and II semester (channel A-B-C, h. 8) will be aimed at the construction of physical education courses in the pre-primary and Primary School.

Core Documentation

Coco D. (2014). Pedagogia del corpo ludico-motorio e sviluppo morale. Roma: Anicia.

Reference Bibliography

Coco D. (2014). Pedagogia del corpo ludico-motorio e sviluppo morale. Roma: Anicia.

Type of delivery of the course

The laboratory of METHODS AND DIDACTICS OF MOTOR ACTIVITIES will take place in didactic mode in presence and at a distance



Type of evaluation

In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the assessment methods of the students will be implemented. In particular, the following procedure will be applied: presentation and evaluation of the didactic project, theoretical and practical project.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The Laboratory of METHODS AND TEACHING METHODS OF MOTOR ACTIVITIES (1 CFU), I and II semester (channel A-B-C, h. 8) will be aimed at the construction of physical education courses in the pre-primary and Primary School.

Core Documentation

Coco D. (2014). Pedagogia del corpo ludico-motorio e sviluppo morale. Roma: Anicia.

Type of delivery of the course

The laboratory of METHODS AND DIDACTICS OF MOTOR ACTIVITIES will take place in didactic mode in presence and at a distance



Type of evaluation

In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the assessment methods of the students will be implemented. In particular, the following procedure will be applied: presentation and evaluation of the didactic project, theoretical and practical project.