The History of Central-Eastern Europe and Russia embraces the study of the main political, economic and social dynamics of the countries of Central Europe, of the South-Eastern part of the continent and of Russia in contemporary age, with inevitable references also to the events of the modern age. The study of this area is particularly important for students of Political Science because like few areas in the world it allows them to analyze the processes of nation building and state building and therefore, after 1917 in Russia/Ussr and after 1945 in most of Eastern Europe, the impact that the construction of communist dictatorships had on those societies. After 1990, on the other hand, students will be able to appreciate the processes of transition to a market economy and Western-style democracy. Finally, it is worth emphasizing how today the Italian cultural and economic presence is very important in many countries of the region.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21801662 STORIA DELL'EUROPA CENTRO-ORIENTALE in Scienze politiche L-36 N0 BASCIANI ALBERTO


Major topics covered in the course:

Political and social history of Russia and other Central and Eastern European countries from the time of the Restoration to the First World War.

The Soviet Union and East Central Europe in the period between the two world wars.

The Soviet Union and East Central Europe from the post-war period to 1991.

The post-communist era.

In the lessons, priority will be given to political history, but due attention will also be given to aspects of social and economic history, and cultural history as well as the main currents of political thought. Great attention will be given to the international framework.

Core Documentation

Giovanna Cigliano, La Russia contemporanea. Un profilo storico (1855-2005), Roma, Carocci, pp. 258.
Francesco Guida, La Russia e l’Europa centro-orientale: 1815-1914, Roma, Carocci, pp. 127.
Francesco Guida, L’altra metà dell’Europa dalla Grande guerra ai giorni nostri, Roma-Bari, Laterza, pp. 337.

for non-attending students:

Maria Todorova, Immaginando i Balcani, Argo, Lecce, 2002

Type of delivery of the course

frontal lectures (frontal instruction)

Type of evaluation

oral interview with the teacher