The course aims to provide a basic preparation on the relation between man and the environment during history; more precisely on the behaviors towards the environment during the different centuries, on the historical roots of environmental problems, on the degree of awareness on the matter, on the single exemplary cases and on the minor ones.

Through the paradigms and categories of historical analysis, we want to provide tools of knowledge and analysis that can be valid for history and for the present.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Part 1
- An introduction to Environmental History as a discipline; methodological problems and the dialogue with the other "histories"
- Fundamental concepts and definitions
- Study and research tools
- Periodizations

Part 2
- The factors of environmental change
- The environment and natural resources in a long-term historical perspective
- The environment and energy: the use of hydrocarbons in a historical perspective
- Scientific and technological development and the environment

Part 3

- From ecology to sustainable development
- The ecological thought and the "limits to growth"
- The Stockholm Conference (1972)
- Organizations, institutions and policies of sustainable development
- The European dimension and the international landscape

Part 4

- The roots and development of environmentalism
- The European dimension
- Green political parties and movements
- Global environmentalism: the 1980s and 90s of the 20th century

Part 5

- Climate change in international politics: a historical perspective
- The UNEP and the IPCC
- Europe
- The United States
- The Developing Countries

Part 6

- Ecological transition and energy transition
- Renewable energy sources
- The big issues of the present: from the Paris Agreement to the European Green Deal

Core Documentation

Required readings for the exam are both:

1) Paolini Federico, "Ambiente. Una storia globale (secoli XX-XXI)", Tab edizioni, Roma, 2021 (the whole book)


2) Pagnotta Grazia, "Prometeo a Fukushima. Storia dell'energia dall'antichità ad oggi", Einaudi, Torino, 2020 (required for the exam only pp. 185-199; 219-236; 237-302; 359-391. The whole book is also included in the recommended bibliography)

Reference Bibliography

Recommended bibliography 1) Armiero Marco et al. "Environmental Humanities. Scienze sociali, politica, ecologia", DeriveApprodi, Roma, 2021 2) McNeill John R., "Qualcosa di nuovo sotto il sole. Storia dell'ambiente nel XX secolo", Einaudi, Torino, 2020 3) Pagnotta Grazia, "Prometeo a Fukushima. Storia dell'energia dall'antichità ad oggi", Einaudi, Torino, 2020 4) Neri Serneri Simone, "Incorporare la natura. Storie ambientali del Novecento", Roma, Carocci, 2005 5) Armiero Marco, Barca Stefania, "Storia dell'ambiente. Una introduzione", Carocci, Roma, 2004 6) Smil Vaclav, "Energy and Civilization. A History", The MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 2017 7) Henry Claude, Tubiana Laurence, "Earth at Risk. Natural Capital and the Quest for Sustainability", New York, Columbia University Press, 2018 8) Harris Paul G. (ed.), "The Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics", Routledge, London, 2014 9) Scichilone Laura, L'Europa e la sfida ecologica. Storia della politica ambientale europea (1969-1998), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008 10) Cavazza Stefano (ed.), "Ambiente, risorse energetiche e politica in prospettiva storica", in "Ricerche di storia politica, Quadrimestrale dell'Associazione per le ricerche di storia politica", 1/2018

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching methodology. The course is mainly based on lectures. Students attending the course, however, are required to take active part in class debates on single course topics which are organized every week. They can be assigned short extra readings (articles, archival records, press sources, etc.) to be commented in class, individually or working in group with other students.


Attendance is not mandatory, yet it is recommended. The course methodology, in fact, includes class discussion and the students' team-work and active participation.

Type of evaluation

The exam cannot be split into different parts; students are required to take the exam on the entire course program at one time.