The aim of this course is to provide the students with the critical tools needed to understand a series of legal institutions,

through the comparative study of constitutional systems. Furthermore the course develops the students better understanding

of globalizing processes, focusing on the protection of fundamental rights.

teacher profile | teaching materials



The course will be divided into two parts:
General part:
The object and the method
Legal production and sources systems
The great models of comparative law: civil law and common law
The forms of state and government
The main experiences of democratic constitutionalism:
• Italy
• Austria
• Belgium
• France
• Germany
• UK
• United States
• Spain
• Portugal
• Switzerland

Special part:

Political parties and democracy

Core Documentation

Students that will attend the lectures must study:
1. G. Morbidelli - L. Pegoraro -A. Rinella - M. Volpi, Diritto pubblico comparato, Giappichelli, Torino, ultima edizione.
2. S. Bonfiglio-G.Maestri, I partiti e la democrazia. Dall'articolo 49 della Costituzione italiana ai partiti politici europei, il Mulino, Bologna 2021.
3. S. Bonfiglio, La scelta del Premier nei sistemi parlamentari, Giappichelli, Torino 2023.

Type of evaluation

Students progress will be assessed through an oral examination. Three questions will test knowledge on main constitutional systems. Furthermore, at least two questions will concern the special section of the exam programme and will assess reflection and evaluation skills.