The course is aimed at students with a level of linguistic competence at least equal to B1 and aims to study authors and texts belonging to the modern and contemporary French and Francophone literary field. In particular, the analysis of significant works in the original language will allow to develop the understanding and critical interpretation of aspects and dynamics concerning the politics, culture and society of France and the Francophone world from the 19th century to the present, also in reference with the technological changes that characterize the modern era. Another objective will be to provide the tools to develop an analysis methodology based on an interdisciplinary approach.
Expected learning outcomes: students will deepen their language skills, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons, and will be able to decline their knowledge of French culture, its language and its literature in a multidisciplinary perspective.

Fruizione: 21810393 CULTURE DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 A - Z SPANDRI FRANCESCO