The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the quantitative and statistical tools through which the evaluation of programme and policies is normally carried out. The relevance of this course is directly correlated with the increasing importance at the national (Evaluation Board) and European level (Structural Funds).


teacher profile | teaching materials


The key concepts of programme and policy evaluation. The relationships between input, output and outcome. The indicators and statistical techniques at the various stages of evaluation: ex-ante, on-going and ex-post. Evaluation of the effects: experimental and non-experimental methods. the counterfactual approach and models used in the non-experimental methods. Case studies and examples. The ex-ante evaluation: Swot Analysis. Cost-benefit analysis. Multicriteria analysis. Example methods and cases. The evaluation of public services.

Core Documentation

Gary Koop “Logica statistica dei dati economici”, Utet, 2001. Chapters 2 to 8.

A. Martini, M. Sisti, "A ciascuno il suo. Cinque modi di intendere la valutazione in ambito pubblico", Informaires, n.33, Dicembre 2007, pp. 1-9.

European Commission (2013) EVALSED GUIDE: The resource for the evaluation of Socio-Economic Development. cap. 4 Choosing methods and techniques par. Acquiring and using data in evaluation; Creating Indicators and indicator systems pp. 81-88.

A. Martini, M. Sisti (2009), Valutare il successo delle politiche pubbliche, Il Mulino, Third Part Chapters VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI.

Formez (2006) Valutare gli effetti delle politiche pubbliche. Metodi e applicazioni al caso italiano. Collana Materiali, Roma. First Part. (http://costopa.formez.it/sites/all/files/Valutare%20gli%20effetti%20dellle%20politiche%20pubbliche.pdf)

Commissione Europea (2003) Guida all’analisi costi-benefici dei progetti di investimento, Bruxelles. Chapters 1, 2. (http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/guides/cost/guide02_it.pdf).

European Commission (2013) Evalsed Sourcebook: Method and Techniques cap.11 Multi-criteria Analysis 129-136; cap. 15 Swot Analysis pp.161-164. (http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/guide/guide_evalsed.pdf)

Teaching handouts by the lecturer.

Reference Bibliography

C. Mazziotta(2011), “La strumentazione quantitativa per l’analisi di impatto della regolazione. Questioni di metodo e applicazioni”, in M. De Benedetto (a cura di), Spiagge in cerca di regole, Collana Arel, Il Mulino, Bologna. M. Sisti (2006) Gli effetti della legge 27/93 della Regione Toscana sull’imprenditoria giovanile, di pp.199-226 in Formez (2006) Valutare gli effetti delle politiche pubbliche. Metodi e applicazioni al caso italiano. Collana Materiali, Roma. ((http://costopa.formez.it/sites/all/files/Valutare%20gli%20effetti%20dellle%20politiche%20pubbliche.pdf)

Type of delivery of the course

Class lectures and seminars on the main topics.


The student who chooses to attend the lessons will have the opportunity to acquire quantitative tools in the classroom to facilitate the understanding of the course topics.

Type of evaluation

The student takes a written test and an oral test of the program. The final mark is the average of the marks in written tests and oral test. Moreover attending students will produce an in-depth thematic paper to be presented in the classroom which will contribute to the final mark after oral test. The duration of the test is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Only students with a mark of at least 18/30 in the written tests will be admitted to the oral exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810469 METODI DI VALUTAZIONE DI PROGRAMMI E POLITICHE PUBBLICHE in Amministrazioni e Politiche Pubbliche LM-63 DE CASTRIS MARUSCA


The key concepts of programme and policy evaluation. The relationships between input, output and outcome. The indicators and statistical techniques at the various stages of evaluation: ex-ante, on-going and ex-post. Evaluation of the effects: experimental and non-experimental methods. the counterfactual approach and models used in the non-experimental methods. Case studies and examples. The ex-ante evaluation: Swot Analysis. Cost-benefit analysis. Multicriteria analysis. Example methods and cases. The evaluation of public services.

Core Documentation

Gary Koop “Logica statistica dei dati economici”, Utet, 2001. Chapters 2 to 8.

A. Martini, M. Sisti, "A ciascuno il suo. Cinque modi di intendere la valutazione in ambito pubblico", Informaires, n.33, Dicembre 2007, pp. 1-9.

European Commission (2013) EVALSED GUIDE: The resource for the evaluation of Socio-Economic Development. cap. 4 Choosing methods and techniques par. Acquiring and using data in evaluation; Creating Indicators and indicator systems pp. 81-88.

A. Martini, M. Sisti (2009), Valutare il successo delle politiche pubbliche, Il Mulino, Third Part Chapters VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI.

Formez (2006) Valutare gli effetti delle politiche pubbliche. Metodi e applicazioni al caso italiano. Collana Materiali, Roma. First Part. (http://costopa.formez.it/sites/all/files/Valutare%20gli%20effetti%20dellle%20politiche%20pubbliche.pdf)

Commissione Europea (2003) Guida all’analisi costi-benefici dei progetti di investimento, Bruxelles. Chapters 1, 2. (http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/guides/cost/guide02_it.pdf).

European Commission (2013) Evalsed Sourcebook: Method and Techniques cap.11 Multi-criteria Analysis 129-136; cap. 15 Swot Analysis pp.161-164. (http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/guide/guide_evalsed.pdf)

Teaching handouts by the lecturer.

Reference Bibliography

C. Mazziotta(2011), “La strumentazione quantitativa per l’analisi di impatto della regolazione. Questioni di metodo e applicazioni”, in M. De Benedetto (a cura di), Spiagge in cerca di regole, Collana Arel, Il Mulino, Bologna. M. Sisti (2006) Gli effetti della legge 27/93 della Regione Toscana sull’imprenditoria giovanile, di pp.199-226 in Formez (2006) Valutare gli effetti delle politiche pubbliche. Metodi e applicazioni al caso italiano. Collana Materiali, Roma. ((http://costopa.formez.it/sites/all/files/Valutare%20gli%20effetti%20dellle%20politiche%20pubbliche.pdf)

Type of delivery of the course

Class lectures and seminars on the main topics.


The student who chooses to attend the lessons will have the opportunity to acquire quantitative tools in the classroom to facilitate the understanding of the course topics.

Type of evaluation

The student takes a written test and an oral test of the program. The final mark is the average of the marks in written tests and oral test. Moreover attending students will produce an in-depth thematic paper to be presented in the classroom which will contribute to the final mark after oral test. The duration of the test is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Only students with a mark of at least 18/30 in the written tests will be admitted to the oral exam.