The course aims at providing the student insights about the latest interventions of the European Communities on the planning, management, monitoring, coordination and training in the entire production chain of food. They will be dealt with in particular the following arguments: a) modernization of the legislation in order to obtain a consistent and transparent system of rules; b) strengthening of controls going to cover the entire food chain; c) improving the efficiency of the scientific advisory system; d) allocation of responsibility for food safety to producers; e) implementation of the new certification and labeling (the new label is the EEC 1169/2011 of 12.13.2014).
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’insegnamento “La qualità e la certificazione dei prodotti alimentari” offre un approccio integrato allo studio e la valutazione dei processi di qualità nella catena agroalimentare attraverso un approccio tecno-manageriale. L'intera catena di fornitura è studiata dal settore primario al consumatore finale.
INTRODUZIONE ALLE CERTIFICAZIONI: TRASPARENZA, TRACCIABILITÀ E RINTRACCIABILITÀ DELLE PRODUZIONI: origine delle certificazioni; evoluzione del concetto di qualità; concetto di filiera alimentare; classificare le certificazioni; concentrazione delle certificazione in EU 27 e in Italia; la filiera di qualità e la normativa di riferimento.
GESTIONE DEL SISTEMA QUALITÀ NELLE PRODUZIONI: Il contesto agroalimentare e la normativa di riferimento; analisi sistema aziendale; configurazione sistema qualità; gestione sistema qualità; trattamento dati del sistema qualità
SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE: la ricerca della qualità nell’alimentazione; la sicurezza alimentare e i pericoli biologici, chimici e fisici; principi ispiratori della nuova normativa europea sulla sicurezza alimentare; i nuovi Regolamenti del “ Pacchetto Igiene”; la normativa europea in campo alimentare; materiali a contatto con i prodotti alimentari (M.O.C.A.); il quadro normativo nazionale e della UE; etichettatura e presentazione dei prodotti alimentari
GESTIONE DEGLI APPROVVIGIONAMENTI, DELLE VENDITE E DELLA LOGISTICA: Il ciclo logistico e gli input di base del processo di definizione; le fasi del processo di acquisto; i modelli di gestione degli approvvigionamenti; Brand loyalty, store loyalty e la selezione dei fornitori; gli effetti della logistica sulla valutazione del fornitore; l’outsourcing della logistica
IL SISTEMA DI AUTOCONTROLLO IGIENICO HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS (HACCP); Sistema HACCP (compiti e funzioni);Importanza del controllo visivo;Importanza della verifica della merce immagazzinata e importanza della sua rotazione; Norme igieniche basilari; Valutazione e controllo delle temperature e del microclima;Igiene delle strutture delle attrezzature; Approfondimenti sul quadro normativo; Gestione delle risorse umane; Relazione con i vari soggetti coinvolti nel processo alimentare.

Core Documentation

A copy of the slides used during lecturers and useful papers will be provided for free by the teacher.

Material for additional and deeper informations will be provided for free during the course, if required

Type of delivery of the course

Head-on lectures held in the classroom by the lecturer (s); the lessons will eventually be integrated with seminars held by experts coming from companies and institutions; in addition students who attend the lessons are requested to realize a group project which will be evaluated as a parte of the final exam. Lessons are also integrated with online exercises also for the purpose of self-assessment by the students.


Class attendance is not mandatory but is extremely useful and thus encouraged. For students who do not attend classes, meetings are scheduled during the reception hours according to the established timetable which is published on the website of the Department of Business Studies, in the teacher's page and in the specific bulletin boards.

Type of evaluation

Evaluation of the achievement of training objectives will carried out by oral examination, added to the assessment of group project; the online exercises carried out during the course are mainly aimed at encouraging students' self-assessment. Different methods of assessment (written test) may be adopted in response to particular needs on the part of the students.

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INTRODUCTION TO CERTIFICATIONS: TRANSPARENCY, TRACEABILITY AND TRACEABILITY OF PRODUCTIONS: origin of certifications; evolution of the concept of quality; food chain concept; classify the certifications; concentration of certification in EU 27 and in Italy; the quality chain and the relevant legislation.
MANAGEMENT OF THE QUALITY SYSTEM IN PRODUCTIONS: The agri-food context and the relevant legislation; business system analysis; quality system configuration; quality system management; data processing of the quality system
FOOD SAFETY: the search for quality in nutrition; food safety and biological, chemical and physical hazards; inspiring principles of the new European legislation on food safety; the new Regulations of the "Hygiene Package"; European legislation in the food sector; materials in contact with food products (M.O.C.A.); the national and EU regulatory framework; labeling and presentation of food products
MANAGEMENT OF PROCUREMENT, SALES AND LOGISTICS: The logistic cycle and the basic inputs of the definition process; the stages of the purchasing process; supply management models; Brand loyalty, store loyalty and selection of suppliers; the effects of logistics on supplier evaluation; logistics outsourcing
THE HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS HYGIENIC SELF-CONTROL SYSTEM (HACCP); HACCP system (tasks and functions); Importance of visual inspection; Importance of verification of stored goods and importance of its rotation; Basic hygiene rules; Evaluation and control of temperatures and microclimate; Hygiene of equipment structures; Insights on the regulatory framework; Human resources management; Relationship with the various subjects involved in the food process.

Core Documentation

•CHIACCHIERINI E., LUCCHETTI M.C., “Materie prime, trasformazione ed impatto ambientale” Edizioni Kappa
•BUFFAGNI, BURCHI, GALLIO, TARABELLA, VARESE “Consumatori e imprese: la disciplina delle informazioni sugli alimenti: considerazioni merceologiche e normative” Giappichelli Editore
•PERI, LAVELLI, MARJANI “Qualità nelle aziende e nelle filiere agroalimentari. Gestione e certificazione dei sistemi per la qualità, per la rintracciabilità e per l’igiene.” Edizione HOEPLI
•Dispense a cura dei docenti.

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching takes place in the classroom with lectures and participation in study days / forums / conferences on the main skills of the course. In the period of the health emergency from COVID-19 all the dispositions will be understood that regulate the modalities of development of the didactic activities (and of the evaluation of the students). In particular, the following shall apply: -Teams platform for conducting (live and/or via video recordings) lessons according to the current schedule. -Moodle platform for the use of teaching materials (pdf lessons, teacher’s notes, seminars or in-depth lectures) It is also advisable to check regularly the institutional information channels prepared by the University for the purpose of a timely knowledge of the emergency measures in force

Type of evaluation

The exam is held in the classroom through the presentation of a project on one of the major topics analyzed in the classroom. An oral test will then take place with questions on the topics presented during the lessons. In the period of the health emergency from COVID-19 all the dispositions will be understood that regulate the modalities of development of the didactic activities (and of the evaluation of the students). In particular, the remote mode will be applied through the digital platform Teams. The exam will take place through an oral exam divided into two parts. A first part that will include the presentation of a research project on one of the topics in depth during the lessons. A second part will be carried out through an oral interview. It is also advisable to check regularly the institutional information channels prepared by the University for the purpose of a timely knowledge of the emergency measures in force