Providing key knowledge of GIS applications to territorial studies, especially for geological purposes. Codification of real information through vector and raster models. Digitization and design of spatial data and relational data model (SQL language) basic concepts. Analysis of orthophotos, topographic maps. Basic principles of digital thematic mapping, reference systems and basic techniques for acquiring spatial data. Processing of digital elevation models (DEM) and basics geospatial analysis of vector data.
teacher profile teaching materials
Geoinformation, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems - G. Konecny - CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (2014)
GIS Fundamentals A First Text on Geographic Information Systems - P. Bolstad - Eider Press White Bear Lake, Minnesota (2016)
Introducing Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS_ A Workbook Approach to Learning GIS - M. Kennedy - Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2013)
Sistemi Informativi Geografici - Caiaffa - ENEA
Basics of Geomatics - Mario A. Gomarasca - Springer Netherlands (2009)
Providing key knowledge of GIS applications to territorial studies, especially for geological purposes. Spatial analysis with the open source “QGIS” (including the tools of GRASS, GDAL/OGR, SAGA). Codification of real information through vector and raster models. Web GIS. Digitization and design of spatial data (e.g. urban areas and river basin) and relational data model (SQL language) basic concepts. Mention of the creation and management of DBMS (database management system). Analysis of orthophotos, topographic maps. Basic principles of digital thematic mapping, reference systems and basic techniques for acquiring spatial data (e.g. from GPS, remote sensing, laser scanning, Lidar ecc.). Processing of digital elevation models (DEM) and extraction of contours, slope, shade, aspect from a DTM (Digital Terrain Model). Examples of basics geospatial analysis of vector and raster data. Creation of layout (e.g. geological map).Core Documentation
Fundamentals of geographic information systems - M.N. Demers - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2009)Geoinformation, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems - G. Konecny - CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (2014)
GIS Fundamentals A First Text on Geographic Information Systems - P. Bolstad - Eider Press White Bear Lake, Minnesota (2016)
Introducing Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS_ A Workbook Approach to Learning GIS - M. Kennedy - Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2013)
Sistemi Informativi Geografici - Caiaffa - ENEA
Basics of Geomatics - Mario A. Gomarasca - Springer Netherlands (2009)
Type of delivery of the course
The course is divided into theory lectures and practical classes totaling 24 and 36 hours, respectively. Theory lectures will take place in the classroom through the use of Power Point presentations and software such as QGIS and Google Earth. The practical lectures will take place in the computer lab and will include a short Power Point presentation outlining the objectives of the day and how to pursue them, followed by the actual computer-based exercise using QGIS software.Attendance
Attendance is mandatory. In order to perform the final exam, students must attend at least 75% of the total course hours.Type of evaluation
The final exam consists of the realization of a project in QGIS. In the exam, the candidate will be provided with a sheet indicating the products to be produced. Also included in the same sheet are 4 (four) questions related to theory. The final grade is the average of the marks obtained in practice and theory.