The course provides informations on the structure of our planet, on plate kinematics and on the dynamic of active processes, with emphasis on subduction and collision, with examples from the West and east Pacific, Tethyan belt, and Mediterranean region. The course provides also provide practical tools to read and elaborate geological maps and to construction geological cross-sections.
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Lessons : 24 lesson (48h) divided in three groups: Fundaments; Plate Tectonics; Regional Tectonics (subduction, collision, Mediterranean)
Pratical exercise: geological map, magmatic and metamorphic rocks and environment

Core Documentation

Fowler The solid Earth Cambridge University Press

Reference Bibliography

Global Tectonics Kearey, Klepeis, Vine La Tettonica delle Placche Cox e Hart

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons and exercises

Type of evaluation

Exam include a pratical and oral test. pratical test -geological section; -metamorphic or magmatic rocks recognition; oral test -presentation on .ppt ; -question on topics discussed during the course

teacher profile | teaching materials


intrusive and extrusive magmatic rocksand their lithogenetic role

Core Documentation

William Scott Mackenzie C H Donaldson C Guilford
Atlante delle rocce magmatiche e delle loro tessiture

Reference Bibliography

William Scott Mackenzie C H Donaldson C Guilford Atlante delle rocce magmatiche e delle loro tessiture

Type of delivery of the course

rock sample observation and discussion

Type of evaluation

ability to describe and interpret textures and structures of magmatic rocks

teacher profile | teaching materials


Introduction to metamorphic processes. Types of metamorphism, metamorphism and geodynamics. Metamorphic rocks: compositional classes and metamorphic facies series. Criteria for recognition of metamorphic rocks in the field. Recognition of primary and secondary foliation in metamorphic rocks. The main lithological types in regional metamorphism

Core Documentation

Notes provided by the teacher

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching will be given through lectures and laboratory work



Type of evaluation

The oral exam focuses on the entire teaching program.