basic knowledge and understanding of the history of contemporary art in its chronological development (19th-20th century); ability to read works of art; ability to communicate the acquired notions orally
teacher profile | teaching materials


Study of major developments in modern art (mainly – but not exclusively – painting and sculpture) from the French Revolution to the end of XXth century.
Students supposed to take 6CFU should prepare the exam on the same texts; in their case the written examination is not required.

Core Documentation

– C. Bertelli, La storia dell’arte, Bruno Mondadori Arte, Milano-Torino 2011, vol 4. Dal Barocco all’Art Nouveau (dall’unità 23 all’unità 26 comprese); vol. 5, Novecento e oltre, per intero.
– Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
F. Rovati, L’arte dell’Ottocento, Einaudi, Torino 2017;
A. Del Puppo, Arte contemporanea. Tra le due guerre, Carocci, Roma 2021;
A. De Puppo, L’arte contemporanea, Einaudi, Torino 2013;
C. Zambianchi, Arte contemporanea. Dall’espressionismo astratto alla pop art, Carocci, Roma 2011.

Type of delivery of the course

A series of lectures given by the teacher, focusing chiefly on XXth century art, will be complemented by group discussion focusing on critical examination of a number of pictures; visits to the public collections of modern art are also planned.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of two portions: a written exam focusing on an artwork, and an oral exam used to assess students preparation. Orals are scheduled to follow soon after completion of the written exams.