The student, already able to master the diachronic framework of contemporary literature, through the study of authors, moments and themes of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, will have to master the methodological tools that are not unequivocal of textual analysis, such as to allow a solid specialist knowledge. of critical knowledge in several fields of investigation: historicist, philological, linguistic, structural, metric-stylistic, rhetorical.


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During the course we will tackle some texts by three poets of modern and contemporary Italian literature: Giacomo Leopardi, Eugenio Montale, Giorgio Caproni.

Core Documentation

- Leopardi module
1. Giacomo Leopardi, Canti, edited by Lucio Felici, Newton Compton, Rome 2007 (or subsequent editions).
2. Marco Dondero, Leopardi personaggio. Il poeta nei "Canti" e nella letteratura italiana contemporanea, Carocci, Rome 2020.

- Montale Module
1. Eugenio Montale, Ossi di seppia, edited by Pietro Cataldi and Floriana d'Amely, Oscar Mondadori, Milan 2016 (or subsequent editions).
2. Massimiliano Tortora, Living one's own contradiction. Immanence and transcendence in Eugenio Montale's "Ossi di seppia", Pacini, Pisa 2015.

- Caproni Module
1. Giorgio Caproni, Personal Anthology, edited by Stefano Verdino, Garzanti, Milan 2017 (or subsequent editions).
2. Adele Dei, L'orma della parola. Su Giorgio Caproni, Esedra, Padua 2016.

Attending students: one of the three "modules" (plus a short paper). Non-attending students: two of the three "modules".

Type of delivery of the course

Dialogued lectures, student interventions.

Type of evaluation

For students attending the course: the writing of a short written text, followed by an interview in which knowledge of the contents, the ability to revise the notions, clarity and propriety of exposition will be tested. Non-attending students: oral examination (same assessment criteria).

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