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Mutuazione: 20710622 SOCIETA' ED ECONOMIE MEDIEVALI in Storia e società LM-84 LORE' VITO


Public Estates in Early Medieval Europe.
Aim of this course is to analyse Public Estates in Medieval Europe, from 8th to 11th century. We will compare different Case Studies, from Lombard Kingdom to the North of Iberian peninsula.

Core Documentation

V. Loré, Curtis regia e beni dei duchi. Il patrimonio pubblico nel regno longobardo, in Biens publics, biens du roi. Les bases économiques des pouvoirs royaux dans le haut Moyen Âge / Beni pubblici, beni del re. Le basi economiche dei poteri regi nell’alto medioevo, ed. F. Bougard and V. Loré, Turnhout, Brepols, pp. 31-78, and a choice of four others articles in the same volume (almost one necessarily in english, french or spanish); dossier of Medieval Sources or alternatively G. Vignodelli, Berta e Adelaide. La politica di consolidamento del potere regio di Ugo di Arles, "Reti medievali rivista", 13/2 (2012), pp. 247-294 (open access: http://www.rmojs.unina.it/index.php/rm/article/view/4794/5385) and T. Lazzari, La tutela del patrimonio fiscale: pratiche di salvaguardia del pubblico e autorità regia nel regno longobardo del secolo VIII, "Reti Medievali Rivista", 18/1 (2017), pp. 99-121 (open access: http://www.rmojs.unina.it/index.php/rm/article/view/5175/5773).

Type of delivery of the course

Seminar lessons, face-to-face or remotely according to the provisions covid-19, with participatory analysis of sources and historiography.

Type of evaluation

Oral test. Exam Questions will judge the Knowledge of Course main Themes and asses the competences in matter of Contextualization of Sources and Historiography.