The presence of imaginary places is an almost constant feature of literary works, especially narrative ones. But there are also many works that are based on a real imaginary geography: an articulated universe refounded or completely invented by the author who sets his narrative there. The course aims to investigate this dimension in different authors and genres, from Dante to Italo Calvino, from fairy tales to children's literature, in a path that goes from its origins to the present day.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The sonnet in the Italian tradition as an instrument of autobiography, evocation, literary controversy.

Core Documentation

G. Contini, Letteratura italiana delle Origini, Milano, BUR Rizzoli
F. Suitner, I poeti del medio evo, Roma, Carocci
F. Magro-A. Soldani, Il sonetto italiano. Dalle origini a oggi, Roma, Carocci
M. Fubini, Il sonetto, in Metrica e poesia. Lezioni sulle forme metriche italiane, Milano, Feltrinelli, pp. 146-167
Further information on the texts to be prepared will be provided during the lessons.
Non-attending students will contact the teacher for instructions and additions to the program.

Type of delivery of the course

In the lessons we will deal with the origin and characteristics of the sonnet. Its use and its various functions in the literary tradition will be illustrated through historical explanations and the presentation of sample texts drawn from different moments in our literary history. Lessons will not be recorded. They will take place exclusively in the classroom.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination. The exam will include questions on the topics covered in class and on the bibliography. The analysis of poetic passages of the writers considered will also be required. Non-attending students will contact the teacher for information and additions to the program.