The course aims to provide the essential elements of the geography of religions, in particular by analyzing social, cultural and political phenomena that characterize urban spaces. Students will learn tools and contents related to the “Spatial Turn" of Religious Studies.
Through the analysis of sources of different nature, the course provides the heuristic tools for the analysis of religious space.
Through the analysis of sources of different nature, the course provides the heuristic tools for the analysis of religious space.
teacher profile teaching materials
The fear, almost touchable in the streets of the cities, is related to religion in a double way; from one side every religion was born from the fear of the loose/impossibility of controlling life, death, illness, pain, the end and often it is an answer to this feeling and to worries
From the other side, religions produce fear, in the case of violence which arises in their name but also due to collective imaginaries which feed clichés, stereotypes, in particular towards minorities.
This course offers some historical examples of religion such as an antidote to fear and religion such as virus of fear, in particular related to the topic of social fear and religious answers, fears which were provoked by ecological crisis, the wars or sublimated by religious fundamentalisms (on line – at school in prisons and in religious places)
1. Appunti del corso e materiali
2. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, Milano 2021 oppure
M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019
3. Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Not Attending students
1. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, 2021
2. M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019
3. G. Filoramo, R. Parrinello, Guarire dal contagio, Morcelliana Brescia 2020 e
Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Mutuazione: 20710648 RELIGIONI E SPAZI URBANI in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 GIORDA MARIA CHIARA
An historical perspective on religions must take into consideration their multi-layered presence on the territory and must be able to analyze dynamics and strategies: since 2007 more than a half of the global population lives in urban areas and cities have become the privileged space of contestations, conflicts, negotiation of interests, creation of symbolic and capital resources concerning religions. In cities innovations, waves and tendencies concerning beliefs and religious practices are produced and reproduced. Italian and European cities were the space of creation and elaboration of social fears; in the last decades fear was related to economy, the environment, the pandemic crisis.The fear, almost touchable in the streets of the cities, is related to religion in a double way; from one side every religion was born from the fear of the loose/impossibility of controlling life, death, illness, pain, the end and often it is an answer to this feeling and to worries
From the other side, religions produce fear, in the case of violence which arises in their name but also due to collective imaginaries which feed clichés, stereotypes, in particular towards minorities.
This course offers some historical examples of religion such as an antidote to fear and religion such as virus of fear, in particular related to the topic of social fear and religious answers, fears which were provoked by ecological crisis, the wars or sublimated by religious fundamentalisms (on line – at school in prisons and in religious places)
Core Documentation
Attending students1. Appunti del corso e materiali
2. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, Milano 2021 oppure
M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019
3. Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Not Attending students
1. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, 2021
2. M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019
3. G. Filoramo, R. Parrinello, Guarire dal contagio, Morcelliana Brescia 2020 e
Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Type of delivery of the course
Traditional lessons, fieldwork in small groupsType of evaluation
Evaluation could be modified due to the possibility of a digital course (In itinere evaluation) teacher profile teaching materials
The fear, almost touchable in the streets of the cities, is related to religion in a double way; from one side every religion was born from the fear of the loose/impossibility of controlling life, death, illness, pain, the end and often it is an answer to this feeling and to worries
From the other side, religions produce fear, in the case of violence which arises in their name but also due to collective imaginaries which feed clichés, stereotypes, in particular towards minorities.
This course offers some historical examples of religion such as an antidote to fear and religion such as virus of fear, in particular related to the topic of social fear and religious answers, fears which were provoked by ecological crisis, the wars or sublimated by religious fundamentalisms (on line – at school in prisons and in religious places)
1. Appunti del corso e materiali
2. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, Milano 2021 oppure
M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019
3. Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Not Attending students
1. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, 2021
2. M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019
3. G. Filoramo, R. Parrinello, Guarire dal contagio, Morcelliana Brescia 2020 e
Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Mutuazione: 20710648 RELIGIONI E SPAZI URBANI in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 GIORDA MARIA CHIARA
An historical perspective on religions must take into consideration their multi-layered presence on the territory and must be able to analyze dynamics and strategies: since 2007 more than a half of the global population lives in urban areas and cities have become the privileged space of contestations, conflicts, negotiation of interests, creation of symbolic and capital resources concerning religions. In cities innovations, waves and tendencies concerning beliefs and religious practices are produced and reproduced. Italian and European cities were the space of creation and elaboration of social fears; in the last decades fear was related to economy, the environment, the pandemic crisis.The fear, almost touchable in the streets of the cities, is related to religion in a double way; from one side every religion was born from the fear of the loose/impossibility of controlling life, death, illness, pain, the end and often it is an answer to this feeling and to worries
From the other side, religions produce fear, in the case of violence which arises in their name but also due to collective imaginaries which feed clichés, stereotypes, in particular towards minorities.
This course offers some historical examples of religion such as an antidote to fear and religion such as virus of fear, in particular related to the topic of social fear and religious answers, fears which were provoked by ecological crisis, the wars or sublimated by religious fundamentalisms (on line – at school in prisons and in religious places)
Core Documentation
Attending students1. Appunti del corso e materiali
2. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, Milano 2021 oppure
M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019
3. Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Not Attending students
1. M. Graziano Geopolitica della paura oppure Egea, Bocconi, 2021
2. M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019
3. G. Filoramo, R. Parrinello, Guarire dal contagio, Morcelliana Brescia 2020 e
Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Type of delivery of the course
Traditional lessons, fieldwork in small groupsType of evaluation
Evaluation could be modified due to the possibility of a digital course (In itinere evaluation)