The course "Forms and Styles of journalistic writing" aims to provide a critical understanding of the most common forms and styles of journalistic writing, such as investigation, reportage, documentary, literary description, cross-media storytelling. The course aims to provide: 1) a thorough knowledge of the most common forms of journalistic writing 2) analysis of some of the most known journalistic texts dedicated to the importance of the style of writing 3) a case study on the relationship between form and style of journalistic writing and the representation of reality.
The aim of the course is for the students to acquire a general idea of the forms of journalistic writing and to understand the importance of style as a cognitive category.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyse the importance of the plurality of forms and styles of writing in describing reality.
The aim of the course is for the students to acquire a general idea of the forms of journalistic writing and to understand the importance of style as a cognitive category.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyse the importance of the plurality of forms and styles of writing in describing reality.
teacher profile teaching materials
The course is divided into two parts. The first is introductory: it will analyse some forms of journalistic representation of society (such as the enquiry, the reportage, the documentary, the literary description, the cross-media narration) with a special focus on the analysis of the writing style. The second part is thematic: the case study will be the representation of war by some writers/journalists of the second half of the 20th century. In particular, Ernest Hemingway, Vasilij Grossman, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Goffredo Parise, Michael Heer, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Luca Rastello, Edward Said and Alessandro Leogrande
O.Bergamini, Specchi di guerra.Giornalismo e conflitti armati da Napoleone ad oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
Abook of your choice, among:
G.Parise, Guerre politiche.Vietnam, Biafra, Laos, Cile (1976), Adelphi, Milan 2007
L.Rastello, La guerra in casa, Einaudi, Turin 1998
E.Said, La pace possibile (2003), Il Saggiatore, Milan 2005
A.Leogrande, La frontiera, Feltrinelli, Milan 2015
Writing a thesis (maximum 15,000 characters + oral presentation (maximum 20 minutes) of a book of your choice from the following (or of a book of your choice agreed directly with the teacher):
R.Kapuscinski, Imperium (1993), Feltrinelli, Milan 2013
A.Korybko,Hybrid Wars.Geopolitical Conflicts in the Postmodern Age, Arktos, London 2022
Nicolai Lilin, Ucraina.La vera storia, Piemme, Milan 2022
Luca Steinmann, Il fronte russo.La guerra in Ucraina raccontata dall’inviato fra i soldati di Putin, Rizzoli, Milan 2022
N.Piro, Maledetti pacifisti.Come difendersi dal marketing della guerra, Pamphlet edizioni, Milan 2022
Program for non-attendees
O.Bergamini, Specchi di guerra.Giornalismo e conflitti armati da Napoleone ad oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
G.Parise, Guerre politiche.Vietnam, Biafra, Laos, Cile (1976), Adelphi, Milan 2007
E.Said, La pace possibile (2003), Il Saggiatore, Milan 2005
A.Leogrande, La frontiera, Feltrinelli, Milan 2015
Mutuazione: 20710613 Forme e stili della scrittura giornalistica - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 BALICCO DANIELE
The war tale, between literature and journalismThe course is divided into two parts. The first is introductory: it will analyse some forms of journalistic representation of society (such as the enquiry, the reportage, the documentary, the literary description, the cross-media narration) with a special focus on the analysis of the writing style. The second part is thematic: the case study will be the representation of war by some writers/journalists of the second half of the 20th century. In particular, Ernest Hemingway, Vasilij Grossman, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Goffredo Parise, Michael Heer, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Luca Rastello, Edward Said and Alessandro Leogrande
Core Documentation
Program for attendeesa)
O.Bergamini, Specchi di guerra.Giornalismo e conflitti armati da Napoleone ad oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
Abook of your choice, among:
G.Parise, Guerre politiche.Vietnam, Biafra, Laos, Cile (1976), Adelphi, Milan 2007
L.Rastello, La guerra in casa, Einaudi, Turin 1998
E.Said, La pace possibile (2003), Il Saggiatore, Milan 2005
A.Leogrande, La frontiera, Feltrinelli, Milan 2015
Writing a thesis (maximum 15,000 characters + oral presentation (maximum 20 minutes) of a book of your choice from the following (or of a book of your choice agreed directly with the teacher):
R.Kapuscinski, Imperium (1993), Feltrinelli, Milan 2013
A.Korybko,Hybrid Wars.Geopolitical Conflicts in the Postmodern Age, Arktos, London 2022
Nicolai Lilin, Ucraina.La vera storia, Piemme, Milan 2022
Luca Steinmann, Il fronte russo.La guerra in Ucraina raccontata dall’inviato fra i soldati di Putin, Rizzoli, Milan 2022
N.Piro, Maledetti pacifisti.Come difendersi dal marketing della guerra, Pamphlet edizioni, Milan 2022
Program for non-attendees
O.Bergamini, Specchi di guerra.Giornalismo e conflitti armati da Napoleone ad oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
G.Parise, Guerre politiche.Vietnam, Biafra, Laos, Cile (1976), Adelphi, Milan 2007
E.Said, La pace possibile (2003), Il Saggiatore, Milan 2005
A.Leogrande, La frontiera, Feltrinelli, Milan 2015
Type of delivery of the course
The assessment of attending students will take into account their work in the media observatory on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.Type of evaluation
Written Text The assessment of attending students will take into account their work in the media observatory on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. teacher profile teaching materials
The course is divided into two parts. The first is introductory: it will analyse some forms of journalistic representation of society (such as the enquiry, the reportage, the documentary, the literary description, the cross-media narration) with a special focus on the analysis of the writing style. The second part is thematic: the case study will be the representation of war by some writers/journalists of the second half of the 20th century. In particular, Ernest Hemingway, Vasilij Grossman, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Goffredo Parise, Michael Heer, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Luca Rastello, Edward Said and Alessandro Leogrande
O.Bergamini, Specchi di guerra.Giornalismo e conflitti armati da Napoleone ad oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
Abook of your choice, among:
G.Parise, Guerre politiche.Vietnam, Biafra, Laos, Cile (1976), Adelphi, Milan 2007
L.Rastello, La guerra in casa, Einaudi, Turin 1998
E.Said, La pace possibile (2003), Il Saggiatore, Milan 2005
A.Leogrande, La frontiera, Feltrinelli, Milan 2015
Writing a thesis (maximum 15,000 characters + oral presentation (maximum 20 minutes) of a book of your choice from the following (or of a book of your choice agreed directly with the teacher):
R.Kapuscinski, Imperium (1993), Feltrinelli, Milan 2013
A.Korybko,Hybrid Wars.Geopolitical Conflicts in the Postmodern Age, Arktos, London 2022
Nicolai Lilin, Ucraina.La vera storia, Piemme, Milan 2022
Luca Steinmann, Il fronte russo.La guerra in Ucraina raccontata dall’inviato fra i soldati di Putin, Rizzoli, Milan 2022
N.Piro, Maledetti pacifisti.Come difendersi dal marketing della guerra, Pamphlet edizioni, Milan 2022
Program for non-attendees
O.Bergamini, Specchi di guerra.Giornalismo e conflitti armati da Napoleone ad oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
G.Parise, Guerre politiche.Vietnam, Biafra, Laos, Cile (1976), Adelphi, Milan 2007
E.Said, La pace possibile (2003), Il Saggiatore, Milan 2005
A.Leogrande, La frontiera, Feltrinelli, Milan 2015
Mutuazione: 20710613 Forme e stili della scrittura giornalistica - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 BALICCO DANIELE
The war tale, between literature and journalismThe course is divided into two parts. The first is introductory: it will analyse some forms of journalistic representation of society (such as the enquiry, the reportage, the documentary, the literary description, the cross-media narration) with a special focus on the analysis of the writing style. The second part is thematic: the case study will be the representation of war by some writers/journalists of the second half of the 20th century. In particular, Ernest Hemingway, Vasilij Grossman, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Goffredo Parise, Michael Heer, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Luca Rastello, Edward Said and Alessandro Leogrande
Core Documentation
Program for attendeesa)
O.Bergamini, Specchi di guerra.Giornalismo e conflitti armati da Napoleone ad oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
Abook of your choice, among:
G.Parise, Guerre politiche.Vietnam, Biafra, Laos, Cile (1976), Adelphi, Milan 2007
L.Rastello, La guerra in casa, Einaudi, Turin 1998
E.Said, La pace possibile (2003), Il Saggiatore, Milan 2005
A.Leogrande, La frontiera, Feltrinelli, Milan 2015
Writing a thesis (maximum 15,000 characters + oral presentation (maximum 20 minutes) of a book of your choice from the following (or of a book of your choice agreed directly with the teacher):
R.Kapuscinski, Imperium (1993), Feltrinelli, Milan 2013
A.Korybko,Hybrid Wars.Geopolitical Conflicts in the Postmodern Age, Arktos, London 2022
Nicolai Lilin, Ucraina.La vera storia, Piemme, Milan 2022
Luca Steinmann, Il fronte russo.La guerra in Ucraina raccontata dall’inviato fra i soldati di Putin, Rizzoli, Milan 2022
N.Piro, Maledetti pacifisti.Come difendersi dal marketing della guerra, Pamphlet edizioni, Milan 2022
Program for non-attendees
O.Bergamini, Specchi di guerra.Giornalismo e conflitti armati da Napoleone ad oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
G.Parise, Guerre politiche.Vietnam, Biafra, Laos, Cile (1976), Adelphi, Milan 2007
E.Said, La pace possibile (2003), Il Saggiatore, Milan 2005
A.Leogrande, La frontiera, Feltrinelli, Milan 2015
Type of delivery of the course
The assessment of attending students will take into account their work in the media observatory on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.Type of evaluation
Written Text The assessment of attending students will take into account their work in the media observatory on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.