Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding:

§ Know the specialized terminology.

§ Know the main phases of the history of architecture and the sources that refer to them.

§ Know the main monumental junctions and understand their function in the urban fabric of the city.

2. Skills and ability to apply knowledge and understanding:

§ Knowing how to use specialist terminology correctly in all processes of application and communication of acquired knowledge.

§ Knowing how to carry out an in-depth analysis of the city's monumental junctions.

3. Judgment skills:

§ Knowing how to formulate and argue simple hypotheses, also developing a critical approach to the evaluation of architectural issues and its history.

4. Communication skills:

§ Knowing how to communicate the specificities of the sacred and public buildings studied, using an appropriate lexicon and terminology.

§ Knowing how to structure, organize the presentation of one's thoughts regarding the study topics.

§ Learning ability.

§ Know how to critically consult the reference bibliography provided.
teacher profile | teaching materials


This course provides an introduction to the history of modern and contemporary architecture in Europe and North America, from the 15th century up to now. Lectures will explore the relationships between historical developments in architecture and wider changes in the social, technological and aesthetic realms. In this sense, the study of architecture will serve as a window into broader aspects of art history. Simultaneously, however, the course will examine architecture as a unique medium, with its own visual codes, spatial forms and material structures. Emphasis will be placed on learning to look at buildings and architectural representations in a deeper way. Textbook readings will help to introduce some of the basic issues while primary texts will supplement textbook readings.
Enjoying Rome, the class will focus on the Urbe’s development, through some guided tours around the city center. Specifically, the course will consider the following themes and protagonists: Leon Battista Alberti and Filippo Brunelleschi (XV century); Bramante, Raphael, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, and Michelangelo (early modern); Counter Reformist architecture (Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola, Giacomo Della Porta, Palladio); Baroque architecture (Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Francesco Borromini and Pietro Cortona) and late baroque architecture in Rome (Carlo Fontana and Carlo Rainaldi) as well as in the rest of Italy (Filippo Juvarra, Bernardo Antonio Vittone, Nicola Salvi, Luigi Vanvitelli and Ferdinando Fuga). Finally, last lectures will discuss contemporary architecture: from the Industrial Revolution to Post Modern, including Art Noveau, the avant-garde, the Viennese Secession, Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, and Frank Lloyd Wright.

Core Documentation

(01) Lotz, Wolfgang. 1995. Architecture in Italy 1500-1600. New Haven: Yale University Press.
(02) Wittkower, Rudolf. 1999. Art and Architecture in Italy 1600-1750, 3 volumes, revised by J. Connors and J. Montagu. New Haven: Yale University Press.
(03) Curtis, William. 1982. Modern architecture since 1900. Oxford: Phaidon.

Reference Bibliography

(01) Bruschi, Arnaldo. 2009. “Introduzione alla storia dell’architettura”, Milan: Mondadori. (02) Summerson, John. 1970. “Il linguaggio classico dell'architettura”, Turin: Einaudi. (03) Lotz, Wolfgang. 1995. “Architettura in Italia. 1500-1600” (a cura di Deborah Howard). Milan: Rizzoli. (04) Ackerman, James S. 1996, “Palladio”, Turin: Einaudi (05) Wittkower, Rudolf. 1962. “Principî architettonici nell’età dell’Umanesimo”. Turin: Einaudi (06) Ackerman, James S. 1996, “Palladio”, Turin: Einaudi (07) Wittkower, Rudolf. 1958. “Arte e architettura in Italia. 1600-1750”. Turin: Einaudi. (08) Connors, Joseph. 2005. “Alleanze e inimicizie: l’urbanistica di Roma Barocca”. Rome: Laterza. (10) Benedetti, Sandro. 1997. “L’architettura dell’Arcadia nel Settecento romano”, Rome: Bonsignore. (11) Roca De Amicis, Augusto. 2015. “Intentio operis: studi di storia nell’architettura”. Rome: Campisano. (12) Muntoni, Alessandra. 1998. “Lineamenti di storia dell’architettura contemporanea”. Rome/Bari: Laterza. (13) Ciucci, Giorgio. 1989. “Gli architetti e il Fascismo”, Turin: Einaudi. (14) Rossi, Piero Ostilio. 1984. “Roma. Guida all’architettura moderna 1909-1984”, Rome-Bari: Laterza. (15) Frampton, Kenneth. 2022. “Storia dell’architettura moderna”, Bologna: Zanichelli.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons and site-visits.



Type of evaluation

The exam will consist in the submission of a critical essay about a theme of history of architecture. The text will be edited using the Chicago manual style (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html) for footnotes and bibliography, and respecting the following dimensions (no more than 30.000 characters including foot-notes). Those students, who intended to take advantage of this possibility (reserved just for Erasmus students and foreigners), will have to choose the topic according with the instructor, who will give the format (.doc) that must be respected. The final discussion of the paper will be in presence.