Knowledge of the history and theories of the restoration of movable artistic heritage and decorated surfaces of immovable artistic heritage from the end of the 18th to the 21st century; ability to research and analyse sources relating to the conservation history of artistic heritage; knowledge necessary to set up the historical-critical analysis of restoration interventions; methodological skills necessary to set up an interdisciplinary comparison aimed at decision-making for the conservation of artistic artefacts.
teacher profile teaching materials
The lectures therefore explore - in the classroom, in museums, in the field, in restoration workshops - the history of conservation restoration between the 19th and 21st centuries, with reference to both the national and international context.
Particular attention is paid to historical sources and material traces of the conservation history of works of art, in order to understand the changes of practices and specific vocabulary.
Seminars and conferences by professionals involved in restoration work will be part of the course.
• C. Brandi, Teoria del restauro, Einaudi 1977 o edizioni successive.
• C. Bon Valsassina, Longhi e Brandi a confronto intorno al restauro e ai restauratori, in Longhi-Brandi. Convergenze divergenze, a cura di M. C. Bandera e G. Basile, Il Prato, Saonara (PD) 2010, pp. 45-115.
• M.B. De Ruggieri, Per una storia delle indagini diagnostiche, in Diagnostica artistica. Tracce materiali per la storia dell’arte e per la conservazione, Palombi, Roma 2002, pp. 41-64.
• G. Urbani, Il restauro e la storia dell’arte; Problemi di conservazione; Dal restauro alla manutenzione, in Intorno al restauro, a cura di Bruno Zanardi, Skira, Milano 2000, pp. 15-18, 25-29, 31-35.
Bibliography to be finalised.
Which theoretical and cultural paradigms does the restoration of works of art refer to in the society in which we are now living? The course begins by analysing recent cases of conservation restoration, grasping the links with similar thematic areas that connote the outlook of our time (contemporary art, museology, diagnostic tools, digital reproduction of works of art and virtual restoration).The lectures therefore explore - in the classroom, in museums, in the field, in restoration workshops - the history of conservation restoration between the 19th and 21st centuries, with reference to both the national and international context.
Particular attention is paid to historical sources and material traces of the conservation history of works of art, in order to understand the changes of practices and specific vocabulary.
Seminars and conferences by professionals involved in restoration work will be part of the course.
Core Documentation
• Orietta Rossi Pinelli, Le teorie del restauro da Brandi ad oggi, Einaudi 2023.• C. Brandi, Teoria del restauro, Einaudi 1977 o edizioni successive.
• C. Bon Valsassina, Longhi e Brandi a confronto intorno al restauro e ai restauratori, in Longhi-Brandi. Convergenze divergenze, a cura di M. C. Bandera e G. Basile, Il Prato, Saonara (PD) 2010, pp. 45-115.
• M.B. De Ruggieri, Per una storia delle indagini diagnostiche, in Diagnostica artistica. Tracce materiali per la storia dell’arte e per la conservazione, Palombi, Roma 2002, pp. 41-64.
• G. Urbani, Il restauro e la storia dell’arte; Problemi di conservazione; Dal restauro alla manutenzione, in Intorno al restauro, a cura di Bruno Zanardi, Skira, Milano 2000, pp. 15-18, 25-29, 31-35.
Bibliography to be finalised.
Reference Bibliography
Bibliographies on specific restoration work analysed in lectures and visits will be provided during the course.Type of delivery of the course
Lectures, seminars, visits to museums, churches, restoration workshops.Type of evaluation
The student must demonstrate through an oral interview that he/she understands the topics covered in the course and has critically studied the bibliography, that he/she has acquired the knowledge and methodological skills indicated in the course objectives, and that he/she has language skills and knowledge of specific terminology.