The student will acquire knowledge related to the master's level analysis of one or more Latin literary texts, with particular attention to formal aspects and seminar-like interaction with attending students.
teacher profile teaching materials
- Futher bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course.
Mutuazione: 20702443 LETTERATURA LATINA L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 DE NONNO MARIO
Virgil’s Bucolics. In the course a literary setting of the book of the Eclogues will be offered toghether with a reading of the latin text, an italian interpretation and a commentary, with particular care to the aspects of poetical shape and form (models, metrics, style).Core Documentation
- Publio Virgilio Marone, Le Bucoliche. Introduzione e commento di A. Cucchiarelli. Traduzione di A. Traina, ed. Carocci.- Futher bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course.
Type of delivery of the course
The course (36 hours - 6 CFU) will be imparted in the second semester; it will be comprehensive of a training in metrics.Attendance
Attendance, although not strictly mandatory, is warmly recommended.Type of evaluation
Oral exam (metrical reading in latin , translation and commentary of passages of Virgil's Eclogues; queries about history and problems of greco-roman bucolic poetry.