The aim of the course is the acquisition of specialized knowledge on Italian Renaissance literature, through the study of an author, a work or a specific theme according to the most up-to-date research perspectives. At the end of the course the student will equip himself with the most appropriate historical, historical-literary and linguistic interpretative tools for the analysis of the literary texts of the Renaissance and will be able to apply advanced analysis methodologies on them.
teacher profile teaching materials
Renaissance is first and foremost an age of war, in which war enters powerfully into everyday life with a violence hitherto unknown and, by contrast, the past is mythologized as an age of peace and prosperity. The course will follow representations of war and peace in Renaissance literature, focusing primarily on epic-chivalric literature, which makes war its driving force (Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto, Tasso, and also examples of other forms of octava rima such as war poems), but also examining historical works (Machiavelli and Guicciardini) and theatrical works (Ruzante’s Parlamento).
Handouts supplied by the professor and downloadable from Teams/Moodle or available from the photocopy shop in front of the Department of Studi Umanistici:
- excerpts from: Luigi Pulci, Morgante; Matteo Maria Boiardo, Inamoramento de Orlando; Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando furioso; Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata; Niccolò Machiavelli, L’arte della guerra; Francesco Guicciardini, Storia d’Italia; Ruzante, Parlamento di Ruzante che l’era vegnù de campo;
-critical bibliography
Syllabus for not-attendig students
Non-attending students are required to add to the syllabus:
- Nicolò Maldina, Ariosto e la battaglia della Polesella: guerra e poesia nella Ferrara di inizio Cinquecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016
-additional handouts provided by the professor, downloadable from Teams/Moodle or available from the photocopy shop in front of the Department of Studi Umanistici
Mutuazione: 20710144 LETTERATURA ITALIANA DEL RINASCIMENTO L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 CAROCCI ANNA
War and Peace in Renaissance LiteratureRenaissance is first and foremost an age of war, in which war enters powerfully into everyday life with a violence hitherto unknown and, by contrast, the past is mythologized as an age of peace and prosperity. The course will follow representations of war and peace in Renaissance literature, focusing primarily on epic-chivalric literature, which makes war its driving force (Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto, Tasso, and also examples of other forms of octava rima such as war poems), but also examining historical works (Machiavelli and Guicciardini) and theatrical works (Ruzante’s Parlamento).
Core Documentation
Syllabus for attending studentsHandouts supplied by the professor and downloadable from Teams/Moodle or available from the photocopy shop in front of the Department of Studi Umanistici:
- excerpts from: Luigi Pulci, Morgante; Matteo Maria Boiardo, Inamoramento de Orlando; Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando furioso; Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata; Niccolò Machiavelli, L’arte della guerra; Francesco Guicciardini, Storia d’Italia; Ruzante, Parlamento di Ruzante che l’era vegnù de campo;
-critical bibliography
Syllabus for not-attendig students
Non-attending students are required to add to the syllabus:
- Nicolò Maldina, Ariosto e la battaglia della Polesella: guerra e poesia nella Ferrara di inizio Cinquecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016
-additional handouts provided by the professor, downloadable from Teams/Moodle or available from the photocopy shop in front of the Department of Studi Umanistici
Type of delivery of the course
Face-to-face lectures. Active student participation is encouragedType of evaluation
Oral exam