teacher profile teaching materials
Applications for enrollment (both for bachelor's and master's degree students) can be sent by e-mail to silvia.finazzi@uniroma3.it, from 8th January to the last week of February 2024. For a better organization of enrollments and activities, students interested in participating are requested to indicate the following essential data in their e-mails: 1) matriculation number; 2) course of study; 3) philological exams already taken and/or philological courses already attended.
The student, through examples and practical exercises on traditions (mono and pluritestimoniali) of texts of Italian literature, will deepen the knowledge of ecdotic tools aimed at the constitution of a critical edition, both in the field of reconstructive philology and in that of authorial philology. The theoretical and practical character of the Laboratory, with the active participation of each student, requires a programmed number of 25 students.Applications for enrollment (both for bachelor's and master's degree students) can be sent by e-mail to silvia.finazzi@uniroma3.it, from 8th January to the last week of February 2024. For a better organization of enrollments and activities, students interested in participating are requested to indicate the following essential data in their e-mails: 1) matriculation number; 2) course of study; 3) philological exams already taken and/or philological courses already attended.
Core Documentation
At the beginning of the lessons, the materials needed to carry out the practical exercises and any additional bibliography will be indicated and provided to the students.Type of delivery of the course
In order to obtain the 6 CFU, the students are required to participate in at least 80% of the classroom activities, with a minimum amount of hours to attend that is calculated in 28 out of the total 36 hours.Attendance
In order to obtain the 6 CFU, the students are required to participate in at least 80% of the classroom activities, with a minimum amount of hours to attend that is calculated in 28 out of the total 36 hours.Type of evaluation
In-itinere practical exercises. Three practical exercises to be carried out and discussed during the lessons, related to the three main sections in which the activities are articulated: 1) reconstructive philology and synchronic apparatus; 2) critical editions of glosses; 3) authorial philology and diachronic apparatus.