6 The aim of the course, which can be divided into two parts, is to learn about the historical-institutional framework of Italian libraries as it has been configured during the history and the concrete way of functioning of the library structure in relation to study and research needs. In particular, the library-part of the course will include the exposition of the history of the libraries and the treatment of the principles underlying the processes of communicative mediation that the library is called to implement.
teacher profile | teaching materials


- The 5 laws of librarianship
- Reading as technology (History of reading, the book and the library)
- Reading as a skill (Media, prose and information literacy)
- Reading as behavior (Reading and readers in Italy)
- Motivation, education and promotion of reading
- Monitoring and evaluation
- The role of the library and its types: preservation library, public reading library, special and university library, school library.
- Individual insights and class discussion

Core Documentation

G. Montecchi, F. Venuda, Nuovo manuale di biblioteconomia. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2022.​

P. Traniello, Storia delle biblioteche in Italia: dall’Unità ad Oggi. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2002​

P. Parigi, Contro la lettura: per una pedagogia del semianalfabetismo. Milano: Bietti, 2014.​

1 book of choice among::​

D. Crepaldi, Neuropsicologia della lettura. Roma: Carocci, 2020.​

W. Ong, Oralità e scrittura: le tecnologie della parola. Bologna: Il mulino, 1986.​

U. Eco, Lector in fabula: la cooperazione interpretativa nei testi narrativi. Milano: Bompiani, 1979.​

F. Meschini, Oltre il libro: forme di testualità e digital humanities. Milano: Bibliografica, 2020.​

M. Wolf, Lettore, vieni a casa: il cervello che legge in un mondo digitale. Milano: Vita e pensiero, 2018.​

H.J. Graff, Alfabetizzazione e sviluppo sociale in occidente. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1986.​

G. Solimine, Senza sapere: il costo dell’ignoranza in Italia. Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2014.​

A. Chambers, Il lettore infinito: educare alla lettura tra ragioni ed emozioni. Modena: Equilibri, 2015.​

B. Eleuteri, Ars lectorica: perché gli adolescenti leggono. Roma: Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, 2021.​

Type of evaluation

A prerequisite test will be administered at the beginning of the course. The final exam will consist of a bibliographic exercise and an oral interview. Up to three pre-examinations will be available during the class period. Modalities will be explained in detail during the course.