At the end of the course, students will master the disciplinary contents related to Italian language education, will be able to build coherent didactic paths for the development of communicative skills and will be able to identify the most suitable didactic tools and methods for teaching Italian.
teacher profile teaching materials
The course deals with the syntax of contemporary Italian, with particular reference to the complex sentence and its constituent parts. Through the observation of the functioning of the structures of Italian, students will acquire full awareness of syntactic mechanisms, improve their grammatical and linguistic knowledge and identify the most appropriate methodologies for the treatment of the sentence in L1 and L2 teaching.
Handouts available on the Teams platform.
Mutuazione: 20710372 DIDATTICA DELL' ITALIANO L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 DE ROBERTO ELISA
SENTENCE AS A TRUE SIGNThe course deals with the syntax of contemporary Italian, with particular reference to the complex sentence and its constituent parts. Through the observation of the functioning of the structures of Italian, students will acquire full awareness of syntactic mechanisms, improve their grammatical and linguistic knowledge and identify the most appropriate methodologies for the treatment of the sentence in L1 and L2 teaching.
Core Documentation
Linguistica e testi letterari. Modelli, strumenti e analisi, a cura di Sveva Frigerio, Roma, Carocci, 2022.Handouts available on the Teams platform.
Type of delivery of the course
Classroom teaching.Attendance
A person who has attended 2/3 of the lectures is considered to be attending.Type of evaluation
During the examination, students will have to demonstrate that they have acquired knowledge of the problems and critical aspects of the teaching of Italian and that they are able to apply the necessary skills to the design of Italian teaching programmes, with particular reference to the teaching of syntactic and textual structures.