The student will be offered particular aspects of the Italian literary tradition, in the field of artistic literature and travel and memorial literature. He will deal with the complex relationship that is established between literary texts that arise both for extra-artistic needs and for specifically literary purposes, acquiring the ability to analyze exemplary texts in this sense.
teacher profile teaching materials
Iacopone da Todi e la poesia religiosa del Duecento, a cura di P. Canettieri, Milano, BUR Rizzoli
Francesco Petrarca, epistola Posteritati, Giovanni Boccaccio, dalle Rime (testi scelti saranno messi a disposizione a lezione)
Benvenuto Cellini, Vita, a cura di E. Camesasca, Milano, BUR Rizzoli
F. Suitner, Iacopone da Todi. Poesia, mistica, rivolta nell'Italia del medioevo, Firenze, Le Lettere
E. Kris, O. Kurz, La leggenda dell'artista, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri
Further information on the texts to be prepared will be provided during the lessons.
Non-attending students will contact the teacher for instructions and additions to the program.
Literature and autobiography between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Iacopone da Todi - Francesco Petrarca - Giovanni Boccaccio - Benvenuto CelliniCore Documentation
Texts:Iacopone da Todi e la poesia religiosa del Duecento, a cura di P. Canettieri, Milano, BUR Rizzoli
Francesco Petrarca, epistola Posteritati, Giovanni Boccaccio, dalle Rime (testi scelti saranno messi a disposizione a lezione)
Benvenuto Cellini, Vita, a cura di E. Camesasca, Milano, BUR Rizzoli
F. Suitner, Iacopone da Todi. Poesia, mistica, rivolta nell'Italia del medioevo, Firenze, Le Lettere
E. Kris, O. Kurz, La leggenda dell'artista, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri
Further information on the texts to be prepared will be provided during the lessons.
Non-attending students will contact the teacher for instructions and additions to the program.
Type of delivery of the course
During these lessons we will deal, through some exemplary cases, with the way in which some famous writers of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance deal with their autobiography. The reading and commentary of exemplary texts will alternate with historical explanations. The lessons will not be recorded. They will take place exclusively in the classroom.Attendance
The lessons will take place exclusively in the classroom (second semester) and will not be recorded.Type of evaluation
Oral examination. Non-attending students will contact the teacher for information and additions to the program.