20711398 - Il ruolo delle donne nell'editoria del XX secolo

The workshop intends to combine reflection on the category of gender in the didactics of Italian L1 and L2 (understood in its structural and cultural aspects) with the rediscovery and valorisation of sources relating to the history of women and feminism, with particular reference to digitisation and metadata techniques. During the workshop there will be opportunities to meet with teachers and operators of third sector associations and with scholars from other disciplines who have conducted studies or developed teaching practices attentive to the dimension of gender and interculture.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Conceived within the framework of the departmental digital project 'Noi Donne. From paper to the web". the course proposes to study in depth some aspects, figures and moments of women's participation in 20th century Italian publishing (both in the field of journalism and literature, and in the school and extracurricular sector), valorising sources and protagonists through digitalisation and the elaboration of didactic contents to be proposed in 1st and 2nd grade secondary schools. Three distinct training moments are planned, which will enable participants
1) to confront themselves with scholars and scholars on the subject through a seminar day, which they will have to help organise;
2) to revise what they have learnt by setting up learning units on the topics addressed, especially from the perspective of language and literary education;
3) to acquire the necessary skills to digitise and create metadata useful for the use of the issues of the journal "Noi Donne".

Core Documentation


Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

Program - march: seminar day preparation with the responsibles of the project. - march, april: seminar "Gender and the teaching of italian: problems, theories, methods - aprile: three meetings aimed to illustrating digitisation tools and standards for indexing and metadata



Type of evaluation

Outline of a learning unit. Matadata of the review.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Conceived within the framework of the departmental digital project 'Noi Donne. From paper to the web". the course proposes to study in depth some aspects, figures and moments of women's participation in 20th century Italian publishing (both in the field of journalism and literature, and in the school and extracurricular sector), valorising sources and protagonists through digitalisation and the elaboration of didactic contents to be proposed in 1st and 2nd grade secondary schools. Three distinct training moments are planned, which will enable participants
1) to confront themselves with scholars and scholars on the subject through a seminar day, which they will have to help organise;
2) to revise what they have learnt by setting up learning units on the topics addressed, especially from the perspective of language and literary education;
3) to acquire the necessary skills to digitise and create metadata useful for the use of the issues of the journal "Noi Donne".

Core Documentation

Powerpoint and "Noi donne"

Type of delivery of the course

Program - march: seminar day preparation with the responsibles of the project. - march, april: seminar "Gender and the teaching of italian: problems, theories, methods - aprile: three meetings aimed to illustrating digitisation tools and standards for indexing and metadata

Type of evaluation

Outline of a learning unit. Matadata of the review.