teacher profile teaching materials
Andrea Staid, Essere Natura, Utet
Theme of this year's course: Culture, habitat, environmentCore Documentation
Stefano De Matteis, Gli sciamani non ci salveranno, in corso di pubblicazione.Andrea Staid, Essere Natura, Utet
Type of delivery of the course
Face-to-face lessons, showing of a selection of films and documentaries, field practice.Type of evaluation
Oral examination. teacher profile teaching materials
Andrea Staid, Essere Natura, Utet
Theme of this year's course: Culture, habitat, environmentCore Documentation
Stefano De Matteis, Gli sciamani non ci salveranno, in corso di pubblicazione.Andrea Staid, Essere Natura, Utet
Type of delivery of the course
Face-to-face lessons, showing of a selection of films and documentaries, field practice.Type of evaluation
Oral examination.