Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Chinese law, including the structure of the legal system and the role of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in international law.
Analyze the origins and principles of Chinese legal thought and its evolution throughout history.
Develop an understanding of the Chinese legal environment, including how it differs from and interacts with other legal systems.
Understand the role of doctrine and some basic principles of the legal system.
Become familiar with the main civil, commercial, and administrative regulations in China.
Understand the impact of international and regional organizations on the development of Chinese law.
Develop the necessary skills to analyze legal problems, conduct legal research, and present written and oral arguments related to Chinese law.
Analyze the origins and principles of Chinese legal thought and its evolution throughout history.
Develop an understanding of the Chinese legal environment, including how it differs from and interacts with other legal systems.
Understand the role of doctrine and some basic principles of the legal system.
Become familiar with the main civil, commercial, and administrative regulations in China.
Understand the impact of international and regional organizations on the development of Chinese law.
Develop the necessary skills to analyze legal problems, conduct legal research, and present written and oral arguments related to Chinese law.
scheda docente materiale didattico
- Historical and geopolitical picture of China Evaluation of peculiarities and criticalities
- The Chinese legal system: between civil and common law
- Evolution of the Chinese legal system: from the dynasty period up to the codification
- Chinese language: peculiarities of legal terminology and translation problems
- Sources of the Chinese law: sources of production, sources of knowledge
- Role of jurisprudence: the Guiding Cases
- China's accession to the WTO
- Constitutional law
- General principles of the civil law
- Contract Law
- Direct and indirect forms of investments
- Intellectual property: Trademark Law and Patent law
- Chinese judicial system
Mutuazione: 20110684 Chinese Law in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 TOTI ENRICO
The Course aims to address the following contents:- Historical and geopolitical picture of China Evaluation of peculiarities and criticalities
- The Chinese legal system: between civil and common law
- Evolution of the Chinese legal system: from the dynasty period up to the codification
- Chinese language: peculiarities of legal terminology and translation problems
- Sources of the Chinese law: sources of production, sources of knowledge
- Role of jurisprudence: the Guiding Cases
- China's accession to the WTO
- Constitutional law
- General principles of the civil law
- Contract Law
- Direct and indirect forms of investments
- Intellectual property: Trademark Law and Patent law
- Chinese judicial system
Testi Adottati
Materials and handouts will be distributed during the lecture. Reference texts will also be provided.Modalità Erogazione
Riguardo alle modalità di svolgimento, il corso si svolge attraverso lezioni frontali. Durante le lezioni, vi è una continua interazione con gli studenti attraverso quesiti e sollecitazioni. Ad ogni lezione, prima di procedere con il programma, viene vagliato e valutato il contenuto dei precedenti incontri al fine di una conoscenza certa e di insieme della materia.Modalità Valutazione
Riguardo alle modalità di valutazione è condotta attraverso un esame orale finale sul programma e su eventuali materiali consegnati durante le lezioni. Durante il corso vi sono continue verifiche orali al fine di meglio comprendere come gli studenti progrediscono nel comprendere la materia.