Il corso si prefigge di fornire gli studenti di strumenti analitici adeguati per una comprensione avanzata e solida dei complessi processi di sviluppo economico. Questo obiettivo sarà perseguito collegando la parte teorica a questioni di politica pubblica a livello globale. L'introduzione di approcci diversi e la loro ferma connessione all'interno di una prospettiva interdisciplinare e critica, hanno lo scopo di gettare le basi per competenze sia a livello di analisi che per ruoli di responsabilità sul campo.
scheda docente materiale didattico
Development Economics: An Overview
Understanding Development: Concepts and Definitions
Historical Perspectives on Development Thought
Assessing the State of Development
Module 2: Poverty
Theoretical Approaches & empirical Issues
Social Programs
Module 3: Inequality
Theoretical Approaches & empirical Issues
Module 4: Economic Growth
Stylized Facts of Economic Growth
The Solow Model: A Framework for Understanding Growth
Applying the Solow Model to Real-world Contexts
Public Spending and its Impact on Economic Growth
Module 5: Conflict and Development
Determinants of Conflict
The Interplay between Conflict and Development
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development
Jurgen Brauer & J. Paul Dunne (2012) Peace Economics: A Macroeconomic Primer for Violence-afflicted States. United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC.
Module 1: PreliminariesDevelopment Economics: An Overview
Understanding Development: Concepts and Definitions
Historical Perspectives on Development Thought
Assessing the State of Development
Module 2: Poverty
Theoretical Approaches & empirical Issues
Social Programs
Module 3: Inequality
Theoretical Approaches & empirical Issues
Module 4: Economic Growth
Stylized Facts of Economic Growth
The Solow Model: A Framework for Understanding Growth
Applying the Solow Model to Real-world Contexts
Public Spending and its Impact on Economic Growth
Module 5: Conflict and Development
Determinants of Conflict
The Interplay between Conflict and Development
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development
Testi Adottati
Alain De Janvry & Elisabeth Sadoulet (2021) Development Economics, Theory and Practice (Second edition). Routledge, New York.Jurgen Brauer & J. Paul Dunne (2012) Peace Economics: A Macroeconomic Primer for Violence-afflicted States. United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC.
Modalità Frequenza
FacoltativaModalità Valutazione
As the final exam requirement, students will prepare and deliver a comprehensive presentation showcasing the main findings and outcomes of a project developed with the instructor. This project serves as a practical application of the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of economic development processes and their ability to apply analytical and empirical tools in real-world contexts. The presentation should effectively communicate the key insights, methodologies used, data analysis techniques employed, and the implications of the project's findings. scheda docente materiale didattico
Development Economics: An Overview
Understanding Development: Concepts and Definitions
Historical Perspectives on Development Thought
Assessing the State of Development
Module 2: Poverty
Theoretical Approaches & empirical Issues
Social Programs
Module 3: Inequality
Theoretical Approaches & empirical Issues
Module 4: Economic Growth
Stylized Facts of Economic Growth
The Solow Model: A Framework for Understanding Growth
Applying the Solow Model to Real-world Contexts
Public Spending and its Impact on Economic Growth
Module 5: Conflict and Development
Determinants of Conflict
The Interplay between Conflict and Development
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development
Jurgen Brauer & J. Paul Dunne (2012) Peace Economics: A Macroeconomic Primer for Violence-afflicted States. United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC.
Module 1: PreliminariesDevelopment Economics: An Overview
Understanding Development: Concepts and Definitions
Historical Perspectives on Development Thought
Assessing the State of Development
Module 2: Poverty
Theoretical Approaches & empirical Issues
Social Programs
Module 3: Inequality
Theoretical Approaches & empirical Issues
Module 4: Economic Growth
Stylized Facts of Economic Growth
The Solow Model: A Framework for Understanding Growth
Applying the Solow Model to Real-world Contexts
Public Spending and its Impact on Economic Growth
Module 5: Conflict and Development
Determinants of Conflict
The Interplay between Conflict and Development
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development
Testi Adottati
Alain De Janvry & Elisabeth Sadoulet (2021) Development Economics, Theory and Practice (Second edition). Routledge, New York.Jurgen Brauer & J. Paul Dunne (2012) Peace Economics: A Macroeconomic Primer for Violence-afflicted States. United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC.
Modalità Frequenza
FacoltativaModalità Valutazione
As the final exam requirement, students will prepare and deliver a comprehensive presentation showcasing the main findings and outcomes of a project developed with the instructor. This project serves as a practical application of the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of economic development processes and their ability to apply analytical and empirical tools in real-world contexts. The presentation should effectively communicate the key insights, methodologies used, data analysis techniques employed, and the implications of the project's findings.