20110467 - Economics of Globalization and Trade

The course analyses the causes and the effects of the ongoing globalization process under the perspective of international economics. Namely, the economic theory of international trade will be introduced, and the following questions will be addressed: What are the gains from trade and why do countries trade among themselves? Who benefits and who loses out from international trade? What determines the trade specialization of each country? Why is protectionism a cost and why we have multilateral trading regulations? In the second part of the course, the attention will be cast on specific issues related to globalization and international trade: International trade and protection of the environment; Migrations; Globalization and increasing economic and social inequalities within each country.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Introduction to International Economics
Basic Theory Using Demand and Supply
Compartive Advantage
Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
Stolper-Samulelson Theorem
Trade Specialization
Factor-Price Equalization
Imperfect Competition
Arguments for and against Protection
Trade and Inequalities
Trand and Enviornment

Testi Adottati

Reference text
Thomas Pugel, International Economics, Seventeenth Edition; McGraw Hill Education; 2020

Additional teaching/learning materials from
Dani Rodrik, Straight Talk on Trade. Ideas for a Sane World Economy; Princeton University Presse; 2018
Elhanan Helpman, Globalization and Inequality; Harvard University Press; 2018
Oliver Blanchard, Dani Rodrik (eds.), Combating Inequality. Rethinking Government’s Role; The MIT Press; 2021

Modalità Valutazione

Final grades will be based on: - participation in classes - briefs and other written work - final, written exam