Il corso si propone di introdurre agli studenti le aree di maggiore rilievo del diritto costituzionale comparato attraverso una contestualizzazione delle stesse in un’ottica storica e nei problemi concreti delle società contemporanee, con particolare riguardo alle dinamiche della rivoluzione digitale. A tal fine, si mirerà anche all’approfondimento di alcuni problemi specifici attraverso lo studio di casi concreti, al fine di analizzare i fenomeni di intersezione tra ordinamenti e di convergenza o divergenza.
scheda docente materiale didattico
The course includes a general part where the fundamental concepts and areas of Comparative Constitutional Law are introduced (constitution, constitutionalism, State and democracy, government vs. governance, separation of powers, systems of government, federalism and other types of State organization). It then focuses on selected topics of digital democracy: such as the rise of private (vs State) powers and digital constitutionalism, issues of digital surveillance, regulation of Artificial intelligence and the use of technology in relation to state structures (Judiciaries, Parliaments, Governments).Testi Adottati
Readings will be provided on the e-learning platform.Bibliografia Di Riferimento
Jackson and Tushnet's Comparative Constitutional Law Buratti Western ConstitutionalismModalità Erogazione
The course favours in-class discussion and the students’ involvement in classroom activities aiming at analyzing the problems discussed. It is mostly based on readings that are discussed in classrom. Attendance to the course is non-compulsory. However, students who attend the lectures (at least 80%) will have the opportunity to discuss in class a topic agreed with the teacher, which will be taken into consideration for the final assessment. Moreover, these students are exempted from some readings for the final exam, regarding topics that are analyzed during the course.Modalità Valutazione
Final assessment is based on an open-books written essay for students who attend at least 80% of inclass lectures. Students who do not attend classes will undergo a mixed written/oral exam