20110466 - Economics of Digital Competition and Innovation

This course examines the economic principles that underlie digital competition and innovation. It begins by introducing basic microeconomic principles and then delves into exploring the strategies of firms and governments in the digital economy, along with their implications for markets, consumers, and society. The course introduces a wide range of topics, including network effects, platform competition, data privacy issues, intellectual property, and antitrust policy.

Demonstrate a fair understanding of the basic microeconomic principles that form the foundation of digital competition and innovation.
Apply microeconomic concepts such as supply and demand, market structure, cost analysis, and pricing strategies to analyze and interpret the functioning of digital markets.
Identify and explain the key economic drivers behind digital competition and innovation, including factors such as economies of scale, network effects, and information asymmetry.
Apply economic reasoning to analyze the effects of digital competition and innovation on market outcomes, including consumer surplus, producer surplus, market efficiency, and market concentration.
Evaluate the role of government intervention and regulation in digital markets from a microeconomic perspective, considering both the benefits and potential distortions they may introduce.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the economic principles that shape digital competition and innovation, including the key theories, concepts, and models relevant to the field.
Explain the relationship between digital markets, the digital economy, and society, considering the interplay of economic factors, technological advancements, and social dynamics.
Recognize and evaluate the implications of digital competition on markets, consumers, and society, including both positive and negative outcomes.

Analyze real-world case studies to digital economy, innovation and related policy interventions.
Assess the effectiveness of different strategies employed by firms and governments in the digital economy.
Evaluate the effects of digital competition on market outcomes, consumer welfare, innovation, and overall economic efficiency.

Critically evaluate the economic implications of different strategies and policies in the digital economy, taking into account their potential benefits, drawbacks, and unintended consequences.
Assess the ethical and social considerations associated with digital competition and innovation, weighing the trade-offs between economic efficiency, consumer welfare, privacy, equity, and societal well-being.
Formulate reasoned judgments and arguments based on economic analysis, incorporating relevant evidence and counterarguments in support of specific positions or policy recommendations.

Effectively communicate economic concepts, theories, and analysis related to digital competition and innovation, using clear and concise language that is appropriate for diverse audiences, including policymakers, industry professionals, and the general public.
Present economic arguments and findings in a coherent and structured manner.
Engage in discussions and debates on economic issues related to digital ecomomy and innovation.

Engage in independent and self-directed learning, demonstrating the ability to acquire and integrate new knowledge and perspectives related to the economics of digital competition and innovation.
Locate, evaluate, and critically analyze relevant academic literature, research papers, and industry reports to deepen understanding and support arguments.
Collaborate effectively in group work and team projects, contributing actively, respecting diverse perspectives, and leveraging collective expertise to achieve shared learning objectives.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


1) Principi economici di base
a) Teoria del consumo
b) Teoria della produzione
c) Economie di scala
c) Mercati imperfetti

2) Teoria dei network sociali ed economici
a) Definizione
b) Principali caratteristiche
c) Rappresentazione grafica

3) Innovazione
a) Tipologie di innovazione
b) Diffusione
c) Matching market
d) Fallimenti del mercato
e) Politiche pubbliche per l'innovazione

4) Piattaforme digitali
a) Concetti di base
b) Effetti network all'interno del gruppo
c) Effetti network tra gruppi
d) Cosa è e cosa non è una piattaforma digitale
e) I diversi tipi di piattaforma digitale

5) Effetti network nelle piattaforme digitali
a) Sistemi di valutazione e revisione
b) Raccomandazioni
c) Costo di raccolta e analisi dei dati

6) Piattaforme digitali, strategie di prezzo e equilibrio
a) Strategie di prezzo
b) Piattaforme monopolistiche e distorsioni dei prezzi
c) Discriminazione dei prezzi
d) Strategia “freemium”
e) Strategie di mercato non basate sul prezzo

7) Politiche pubbliche e regolamentazione
a) Politica della concorrenza e antitrust
b) Protezione dei dati e privacy
c) Diritti di proprietà intellettuale
d) Tassazione
e) Verso un nuovo modello di regolamentazione

8) Sfide attuali e future
a) Evoluzione delle piattaforme digitali
b) Intelligenza artificiale
c) Intelligenza artificiale e piattaforme digitali

Testi Adottati

Selezione di capitoli da:
Belleflamme, Paul, and Martin Peitz. The Economics of Platforms. Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Parker, Geoffrey G.; Van Alstyne, Marshall W.; Choudary, Sangeet Paul. Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You W. W. Norton & Company, 2016.
The Economy. CORE Project. https://core-econ.org/the-economy/?lang=en
Altre letture indicate di volta in volta

Altri testi:
Birke, Daniel. Social networks and their economics: Influencing consumer choice. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Jackson, Matthew O. Social and economic networks. Vol. 3. Princeton: Princeton university press, 2008.
Mansell, Robin, and William Edward Steinmueller. Advanced introduction to platform economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.
Varian, Hal R., Joseph Farrell, and Carl Shapiro. The economics of information technology: An introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

L'elenco dettagliato delle letture obbligatorie e facoltative sarà soggetto a modifiche e aggiornamenti durante il corso. L'elenco definitivo per ciascun argomento sarà disponibile passo dopo passo. In questo modo, sarò in grado di adattare i contenuti di questo corso alle esigenze, agli interessi e al background delle studentesse e degli studenti.

Modalità Erogazione

Metodi di insegnamento - Didattica frontale tradizionale - Esercitazioni con partecipazione attiva degli studenti - Case study e discussioni Metodi di apprendimento - Partecipazione attiva di classe - Prendere appunti in classe - Ricerca di materiale di studio in biblioteca e online - Studiare le letture di base assegnate su libri di testo, manuali e articoli di rivista - Leggere e studiare documenti ufficiali

Modalità Frequenza

La partecipazione non è obbligatoria ma fortemente raccomandata. La puntualità è obbligatoria.

Modalità Valutazione

Studenti frequentanti (frequenza di almeno 20 lezioni su 28): 50% del voto finale: partecipazione alle attività di classe; 50% del voto finale: esame orale. Studenti non frequentanti (frequenza inferiore a 20 lezioni): Prova scritta e orale