Qualifica | Professore Ordinario |
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare | CEAR-01/A |
Telefono | 0657333468 |
Cellulare aziendale | 88417 | | |
Indirizzo | Via Vito Volterra 62 - Palazzina |
Struttura/Afferenza |
Altre informazioni | Sito web personale Curriculum |
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Contributo in Rivista
- Turbulent kinetic energy redistribution in a gravity current interacting with an emergent cylinder, DI LOLLO, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_124448-1 Dettaglio
- Aquatic plants entrap different size of plastics in indoor flume experiments, GALLITELLI, LUCA; DI LOLLO, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; MAGGI, MARIA RITA; TROMBETTA, BEATRICE; SCALICI, MASSIMILIANO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_167021-2 Dettaglio
- Gravity currents interacting with slopes and overhangs, MAGGI, MARIA RITA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_152469-3 Dettaglio
- Turbulence characteristics and mixing properties of gravity currents over complex topography, MAGGI, MARIA RITA; NEGRETTI, MARIA ELETTA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_129810-4 Dettaglio
- Lock-release gravity currents propagating over roughness elements, MAGGI, MARIA RITA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_100210-5 Dettaglio
- Non-intrusive density measurements in gravity currents interacting with an obstacle, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; MAGGI, MARIA RITA; DE FALCO, MARIA CHIARA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_109401-6 Dettaglio
- Breaking Location of Internal Solitary Waves Over a Sloping Seabed, LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_184803-7 Dettaglio
- Experimental study of uni- And bi-directional exchange flows in a large-scale rotating trapezoidal channel, DE FALCO, MARIA CHIARA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; CUTHBERTSON, ALAN; NEGRETTI, MARIA ELETTA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_34853-8 Dettaglio
- Gravity currents interacting with a bottom triangular obstacle and implications on entrainment, DE FALCO, MARIA CHIARA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; MAGGI, MARIA RITA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_192783-9 Dettaglio
- Mixing Efficiency for Breaking Internal Solitary Waves, LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_61420-10 Dettaglio
- On the dynamics of quasi-steady gravity currents flowing up a slope, DE FALCO, MARIA CHIARA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_126867-11 Dettaglio
- Bed shear stress and sediment entrainment potential for breaking of internal solitary waves, LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_27401-12 Dettaglio
- Dynamics of Gravity Currents Flowing up a Slope and Implications for Entrainment, DE FALCO, MARIA CHIARA; OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_12019-13 Dettaglio
- Intrusions and Solitons: Propagation and Collision dynamics, LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_166038-14 Dettaglio
- Large eddy simulations of solitons colliding with intrusions, OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_49625-15 Dettaglio
- Migrating Bedforms Generated by Solitary Waves, LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_108709-16 Dettaglio
- Synergy of satellite remote sensing and numerical ocean modelling for coastal geomorphology diagnosis, BENINCASA, MARIO; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_113838-17 Dettaglio
- Axisymmetric three-dimensional gravity currents generated by lock exchange, INGHILESI, ROBERTO; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; ARMENIO, VINCENZO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_197249-18 Dettaglio
- Laboratory investigation on internal solitary waves interacting with a uniform slope, LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_130003-19 Dettaglio
- Lattice Boltzmann simulations of gravity currents, OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; PRESTININZI, PIETRO; MONTESSORI, ANDREA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LA ROCCA, MICHELE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_149215-20 Dettaglio
- Numerical investigation of breaking internal solitary waves, LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_183277-21 Dettaglio
- Preface, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_114679-22 Dettaglio
- Unconfined lock-exchange gravity currents with variable lock width: laboratory experiments and shallow-water simulations, LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LA ROCCA, MICHELE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_171532-23 Dettaglio
- Analysis of the flow in gravity currents propagating up a slope, OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_194421-24 Dettaglio
- Entrainment in a dense current flowing down a rough sloping bottom in a rotating fluid, OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; CENEDESE, CLAUDIA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_92462-25 Dettaglio
- Entrainment and mixing in unsteady gravity currents, OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; INGHILESI, ROBERTO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_143700-26 Dettaglio
- Mixing in lock-release gravity currents propagating up a slope, OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; INGHILESI, ROBERTO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_95517-27 Dettaglio
- Modified Einstein Sediment Transport Method to Simulate the Local Scour Evolution Downstream of a Rigid Bed, SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; CALOMINO, FRANCESCO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_174041-28 Dettaglio
- Gravity currents flowing upslope: Laboratory experiments and shallow-water simulations, LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_84231-29 Dettaglio
- Dynamics of the head of gravity currents, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_17202-30 Dettaglio
- Dynamics of the head of gravity currents, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_157227-31 Dettaglio
- Kinematics of unsteady gravity currents developing over smooth and rough beds, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_147661-32 Dettaglio
- Analysis of lock-exchange gravity currents over smooth and rough beds, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_30984-33 Dettaglio
- Image analysis technique applied to lock-exchange gravity currents, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_146093-34 Dettaglio
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of 3D Gravity Currents around Obstacles, LA ROCCA, MICHELE; PRESTININZI, PIETRO; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_43632-35 Dettaglio
- A two-layer shallow water model for 3D gravity currents, LA ROCCA, MICHELE; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_1525-36 Dettaglio
- Development of a Lattice Boltzmann Method for two-layered shallow-water flow, LA ROCCA, MICHELE; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_114850-37 Dettaglio
- Gravity currents produced by lock-exchanges: experiments and simulations with a two layer shallow-water model with entrainment, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_80860-38 Dettaglio
- Numerical simulation of a two layered water flow by means of the Lattice Boltzmann Method, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_117048-39 Dettaglio
- A new parameterization for entrainment in overflows, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_187301-40 Dettaglio
- Sloshing of a layered fluid with a free surface as a Hamiltonian system, SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LA ROCCA, MICHELE, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_117676-41 Dettaglio
- Sloshing of a two-layer liquid with free surface: Hamiltonian formulation of the problem and laboratory experiments, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_85921-42 Dettaglio
- Experimental and numerical simulation of three dimensional gravity currents on smooth and rough bed, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_171893-43 Dettaglio
- Experimental and numerical simulation of three-dimensional gravity currents on smooth and rough bottom, LA ROCCA, MICHELE; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_86940-44 Dettaglio
- Mixing in a density driven current down a slope in a rotating fluid, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_78721-45 Dettaglio
- Local scouring due to turbulent water jets downstream of a trapezoidal drop: laboratory experiments and stability analysis, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_154989-46 Dettaglio
- Scour due to a horizontal turbulent jet: Numerical and experimental investigation, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_143868-47 Dettaglio
- Experimental and theoretical investigation on the sloshing of a two-liquid system with free surface, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_150326-48 Dettaglio
- Laboratory experiments on mesoscale vortices interacting with two islands, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_6029-49 Dettaglio
- An experimental study of a monopolar vortex colliding with obstacles of varying geometry in a rotating fluid, ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_155512-50 Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Local scour downstream of a turbulent jet, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_20405-51Dettaglio
Contributo in volume e atti di convegno
- BELLONI, ROSSELLA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, A SATELLITE-BASED ANALYSIS OF TIBER RIVER INLAND-MARINE WATER CONNECTIVITY, issn 2521-7119, pp. 189 192, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_75069-52Dettaglio
- DI LOLLO, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Lock Release Gravity Current Interacting with a Cylindrical Obstacle, issn 2521-7119, pp. 2163 2169, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_52918-53Dettaglio
- CUTHBERTSON, ALAN; DE FALCO, MARIA CHIARA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Numerical Experiments of Uni- And Bi-Directional Exchange Flows in A Rotating Trapezoidal Sill-Channel, issn 2521-7119, pp. 4134 4139, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_24541-54Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Numerical Model’s Resolution Impact for Heat Exchange Interaction Over Agulhas Current, issn 2521-7119, pp. 3799 3803, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_190515-55Dettaglio
- MAGGI, MARIA RITA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; NEGRETTI, MARIA ELETTA, PIV Investigation on Lock-Exchange Gravity Currents Propagating Over Roughness Elements, issn 2521-7119, pp. 5073 5078, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_94206-56Dettaglio
- BELLONI, ROSSELLA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, River-Sea System Connectivity: Analysis of River Plume Dispersal in the Northern Adriatic Sea, issn 2521-7119, pp. 5336 5339, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_145379-57Dettaglio
- LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Breaking of internal solitary waves generated by intrusions, pp. 945 948, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_196573-58Dettaglio
- DE FALCO, MARIA CHIARA; OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Entrainment in lock-release gravity currents propagating up a slope, pp. 137 143, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_71754-59Dettaglio
- DE FALCO, MARIA CHIARA; OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Laboratory experiments on gravity currents interacting with an upsloping bottom, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_7187-60Dettaglio
- OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; INGHILESI, ROBERTO, Density currents flowing up a slope, pp. 1018 1024, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_173038-61Dettaglio
- LA FORGIA, GIOVANNI; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Laboratory experiments on the generation and breaking of internal waves, pp. 842 847, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_7043-62Dettaglio
- OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; INGHILESI, ROBERTO, LES investigation on entrainment in gravity currents, pp. 821 827, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_30423-63Dettaglio
- BENINCASA, MARIO; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Remote sensing and coastal morphodynamic modelling: A review of current approaches and future perspectives, pp. 1032 1038, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_97395-64Dettaglio
- LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO, Experimental and numerical simulations of 3D gravity currents, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_101062-65Dettaglio
- STEFANUCCI, FRANCESCA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, An experimental and numerical study on the spatial and temporal evolution of a scour hole downstream of a rigid bed, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_37369-66Dettaglio
- CALOMINO, FRANCESCO; GAUDIO, ROSSELLA; STEFANUCCI, FRANCESCA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, An experimental and numerical study on the spatial and temporal evolution of a scour hole downstream of a rigid bed, pp. 1415 1422, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_183705-67Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO, An improved two-layer shallow water model for simulation of gravity currents on both flat and up-sloping beds, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_146994-68Dettaglio
- OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Analisi dei processi di mescolamento in una corrente di gravità mediante esperimenti di laboratorio e simulazioni LES, pp. 113 114, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_4701-69Dettaglio
- LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, Correnti di gravità su fondo acclive: esperimenti di laboratorio e simulazioni numeriche, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_107526-70Dettaglio
- OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Entrainment in a density-driven current flowing down a rough slope in a rotating fluid, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_112847-71Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO, Laboratory experiments and shallow water simulations of gravity currents moving on flat and up-sloping beds, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_162437-72Dettaglio
- OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Large Eddy Simulation of gravity currents moving on up-sloping boundaries, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_133717-73Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO, Entrainment effect on the simulation of density currents by a two layer shallow water model, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_161446-74Dettaglio
- OTTOLENGHI, LUISA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Gravity Currents moving on up-Sloping Boundaries, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_188159-75Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Phase analysis of the stretching cycles of the head of unsteady gravity currents developing over a smooth and rough bed, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_59674-76Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO, Analisi preliminare di una corrente di gravità su fondo acclive: misure di velocità e simulazione numerica, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_183977-77Dettaglio
- LA ROCCA, MICHELE; PRESTININZI, PIETRO; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of 3D gravity currents around obstacles, vol. 3, pp. 1125 1132, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_114053-78Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO, Lock exchange gravity currents on upsloping beds, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_30464-79Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Periodic cycle of stretching and breaking of the head of gravity currents, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_36764-80Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, The influence of bed roughness on the dynamics of gravity currents, vol. 1, pp. 357 362, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_80242-81Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, The influence of bed roughness on the dynamics of gravity currents,, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_77277-82Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Visualization and characterization of gravity currents over rough beds by means of PIV measurements, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_20420-83Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO, Analysis of lock release gravity currents by PIV, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_152774-84Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Analysis of the entrainment on lock-exchange density currents, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_134183-85Dettaglio
- LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE, Gravity currents moving on smooth and rough beds, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_170088-86Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Phase analysis of lock-exchange gravity currents, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_12072-87Dettaglio
- LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; MELE, PAOLO, Three-dimensional gravity currents: laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_99415-88Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Bed shear stress in an evolving local scour due to a submerged turbulent jet flow, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_16039-89Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Evaluation of time-space varying density distribution on gravity currents by image analysis technique, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_130491-90Dettaglio
- LA ROCCA, MICHELE; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; MELE, PAOLO; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, Experimental and numerical simulation of 3D gravity currents, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_82976-91Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Experimental and numerical simulation of gravity currents on sloping beds, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_158402-92Dettaglio
- LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; LA ROCCA, MICHELE, Gravity currents moving on smooth and rough beds, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_156846-93Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Laboratory experiments on gravity currents moving on smooth and rough beds, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_64497-94Dettaglio
- LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO, Simulazioni sperimentali e numeriche di correnti di gravità su fondo inclinato, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_82236-95Dettaglio
- LA ROCCA, MICHELE; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; MELE, PAOLO; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, Un approccio perturbativo per le equazioni di shallow water a doppio strato, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_88792-96Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, A new entrainment parameterization for mixing in oceanic overflows and dense gravity currents, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_2741-97Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Mixing in oceanic and laboratory overflows, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_30821-98Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Numerical simulation of 3D submarine turbidity currents, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_32596-99Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LOMBARDI, VALENTINA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; MORGANTI, MARIO, Roughness effects on gravity currents dynamics, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_103822-100Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, A simplified integral model for the dynamics of a 3D gravity current, vol. 2, pp. 1215 1222, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_129692-101Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Bed shear stress inside of a local scour due to a submerged turbulent jet, vol. 2, pp. 1001 1006, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_177904-102Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Influenza dei numeri di Froude e Reynolds sul mescolamento di una corrente di gravità, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_126689-103Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Mixing induced in oceanic overflows and dense gravity currents: a new entrainment parameterization, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_161146-104Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Modellazione dello sforzo al fondo all’interno di uno scavo localizzato, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_95809-105Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, PIV characterization of the horseshoe vortex in front of a wall-mounted cylinder in a developing turbulent boundary layer, vol. 3, pp. 2397 2406, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_132254-106Dettaglio
- LA ROCCA, MICHELE; ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; MORGANTI, MARIO; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, Simulazione numerica ai volumi finiti di correnti di gravità tridimensionali, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_172968-107Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Experiments on mixing in a density driven current, vol. 2, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_149227-108Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Mixing induced in a dense plume flowing down a sloping bottom in a rotating fluid: a new entrainment parameterization?, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_145616-109Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Mixing induced in a dense plume flowing down a sloping bottom in a rotating fluid: a new entrainment parameterization?, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_13701-110Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Velocity and turbulence measurements in a scour hole at different scouring stages, vol. 2, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_59149-111Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Analisi di stabilità di getti turbolenti in alveo a fondo piatto ed eroso, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_28966-112Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; MORGANTI, MARIO, Caratterizzazione sperimentale dello sforzo di fondo relativo al campo idrodinamico a valle di una soglia, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_169274-113Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Indagine sperimentale sul mescolamento di una corrente densa su un piano inclinato, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_143331-114Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Mixing induced in a dense current flowing down a sloping bottom in a rotating fluid, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_44022-115Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; LA ROCCA, MICHELE; MORGANTI, MARIO; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO, Simulazione sperimentale e numerica di correnti di gravità, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_76790-116Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Stability analysis of turbulent water jets onto both rigid and mobile beds, vol. 1, pp. 701 708, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_61621-117Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Mixing induced in a dense current flowing down a sloping bottom in a rotating fluid, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_166488-118Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Mixing induced in a dense current flowing down a sloping bottom in a rotating fluid, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_150903-119Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; MORGANTI, MARIO, Evoluzione temporale di uno scavo realizzato a valle di una soglia: modello matematico e indagine sperimentale, vol. 1, pp. 925 932, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_66845-120Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Experimental investigation of a vortex interacting with an obstacle in a rotating fluid, vol. 1, pp. 5 12, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_30416-121Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Flow patterns in local scour holes downstream of a sill caused by turbulent water jets, vol. 2, pp. 623 630, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_170057-122Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Laboratory experiments on eddy interaction with multiple islands, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_126773-123Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Laboratory experiments on eddy interaction with multiple islands, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_83281-124Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Local Scour by Turbulent Jets, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_176863-125Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Local scour downstream of grade control structures, pp. 319 325, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_15723-126Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; MORGANTI, MARIO, Numerical and experimental investigation of local scour downstream of a sill, vol. 2, pp. 615 621, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_67503-127Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Erosione localizzata a valle di una soglia, pp. 483 492, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_75478-128Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Indagine sperimentale sull’interazione fra vortici e isole, pp. 611 620, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_120665-129Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Influence of Islands and Their 3-D Geometry on the Bifurcation of Eddies, pp. 603 610, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_68862-130Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Laboratory experiments on eddy collisions with islands, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_77449-131Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Laboratory experiments on eddy collisions with multiple islands, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_198741-132Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Laboratory experiments on eddy collisions with seamounts of varying geometry, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_109285-133Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Local scour downstream of grade control structures in urban stream restoration, pp. 287 297, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_180830-134Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Analisi di laboratorio della brezza di mare, pp. 589 604, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_141186-135Dettaglio
- ADDUCE, CLAUDIA, Influence of Multiple Islands And Their 3-D Geometry on The Bifurcation of Eddies, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_99999-136Dettaglio