Qualifica | Professore Ordinario |
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare | GIUR-16/A |
Telefono | 0657332522 |
Cellulare aziendale | 87561 | | |
Indirizzo | Via Ostiense 161 |
Struttura/Afferenza |
Altre informazioni | Curriculum |

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Titoli e cariche
2011-present: Directeur d'Études (cumulant) at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - EHESS (Centre d’Etudes en Normes Juridiques - CENJ), Paris.
2000-present: Full Professor of Legal History, Faculty of Law, Roma Tre University.
1995-1999: Associate Professor of Legal History, Faculty of Law, Roma Tre University.
1992-1995: Associate Prof. of Legal History, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Catania, Italy. 1991: Researcher at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Scuola speciale archivisti e bibliotecari). 1990: Robbins Junior Fellow at the Robbins Collection, University of California, Berkeley.
1989: Editor at Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Rome.
1988: Fellow at the Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte (MPIER), Frankfurt a. M. 1986-1988: PhD in Legal History at the University of Milano-Statale.
1986: Fellow at the Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte (MPIER), Frankfurt a. M. 1979-1983: Graduated from the Faculty of History, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
2017-present: President of the Scientific Board of OpenEdition Italy
2009-2017: President of the Scientific Board of the Network of University Libraries Roma Tre (Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo)
2005-2012: Head of Dept. of Legal History and Gen. Legal Theory, Law School, Roma Tre Univ. 2008-present: Director of the “Law and the Humanities” course at the RomaTre University.
2012-2014: Member of the Evaluation Committee of the École Française de Rome.
2009-2014: Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD in Human Rights, Univ. of Palermo.
2011: Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rome.
2006-2010: Member of the Scientific board of the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Lyon.
1997-1999: President of the Scientific Board of the University Libraries System (Sba), Roma Tre University.
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