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image 80103iENTRANCE@ENL will focus its research activities and services on four main topics:

  1. Nanomaterials for energy;
  2. Processes for material production and transformation to devices for green energy production, storage, and management;
  3. Micro- and nanoscale systems and multiscale experimental techniques for the functional, structural, and mechanical characterization of materials and devices;
  4. Technologies for the realization of devices and systems.

The project started on November, the 1st 2022. In the Design and Implementation Phase (M1-M18), the operational and management backbone of the Research Infrastructure will be constructed and the digital infrastructure, based on FAIR principles, will play a key role.

In the Ramp-Up Phase (M19-M30), users from Academia and Industry will have access to the facilities and new instrumentation will be acquired and commissioned to further enable cutting-edge research. Access Policies will take into account Open Science best practices and the pivotal role of excellent science. In-house research, enabled by the investments, will push technologies beyond the state-of-the-art to provide sustainability after the NGEU Project.

In the Full Operation Phase, continuing for at least 10 years, Italy will have a distributed, integrated, and fully interoperable structure to perform Clean Energy Transition research up to TRL 4. Cooperation with other NGEU Infrastructures and Research Innovation Programmes will ensure Italian competitiveness, autonomy, and sovereignty in the field, covering the entire value chain from low to high TRL.


The consortium comprises a total of six partners: CNR, INRiM, Politecnico of Torino, University of Bologna, Sapienza University, and University of Roma Tre. CNR will be jointly represented by the following Institutes: IMM Bologna (coordinator of the Research Infrastructure) and Catania, ISMN Bologna, NANO Modena, IMEM Parma, ISM Roma and Potenza, iPCB Pozzuoli, and STEMS Napoli.

Data di inizio del progetto: 1 novembre 2022

Data di conclusione prevista: 31 maggio 2025

Agevolazione totale concessa: € 75.165.077,53 di cui € 1.382.650,00 per il potenziamento dei laboratori dell’Ateneo


Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili al sito internet ufficiale del progetto iENTRANCE: Link identifier #identifier__134178-1


Finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU

Informazioni di sistema 21 Novembre 2023