The Practical Wisdom of a Human Nature Raised According to Human Evolutionary History

Darcia Narvaez (University of Notre Dame)
The Practical Wisdom of a Human Nature Raised According to Human Evolutionary History

To judge the goodness of an individual species’ member, we must understand what kind of organism it is. Each organism has characteristic features, which are good for the creature to have and that, when missing, make the individual a defective member of the species. When discussing human beings, we must understand the nature of the human organism and its development, what qualities help the human organism lead a full life, and what kinds of action and capacities make it a proper member of its species. Only then, can practical wisdom be discussed. Humans have characteristics that turtles do not have. They are biosocial creatures—their biology is constructed by experience in the first years after conception, more so than most every other animal. Humanity’s evolved developmental niche (EDN) provides the supportive care that children expect for optimal development of a nature that distinguishes us from other apes. Societies that provide the EDN grow a different human nature from the one commonly observed in high income nations. Their embodied, extended, and enacted cognitions are more socially intelligent and earth-centered.

Giorno: 21.01.2022
Orario: 17:00 CET

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