QualificaProfessore Ordinario
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareCEAR-01/B
Cellulare aziendale89066
IndirizzoVia Vito Volterra 62 - Palazzina
  • Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, informatica e delle tecnologie aeronautiche
Altre informazioniCurriculum
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Profilo INSEGNAMENTI Prodotti della ricerca Avvisi Ricevimento e materiale didattico

Contributo in Rivista

  • A physical model study on the hydraulic performances of vertical breakwaters with retreated wave walls, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; CENTORAMI, MATTEO; CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_146128-1 Dettaglio
  • Prototype data analysis of the dynamics of the Venice gate-barriers during an extreme storm event, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_49402-2 Dettaglio
  • Probabilistic landslide tsunami modeling of the 2018 Palu Bay event, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; IORIO, VERDIANA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; GRILLI, STEPHAN TONI, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_87056-3 Dettaglio
  • Wave forces on vertical caissons with retreated wall: A first experimental insight, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_51314-4 Dettaglio
  • Filling flows by wave impacts on walls: Laboratory and numerical experiments, DE FINIS, STEFANO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; BROCCHINI, MAURIZIO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_3183-5 Dettaglio
  • The effect of variations in water level on wave overtopping discharge over a dike: An experimental model study, PEPI, YURI; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_67575-6 Dettaglio
  • A numerical model for the efficient simulation of multiple landslide-induced tsunamis scenarios, IORIO, VERDIANA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; CECIONI, CLAUDIA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_149940-7 Dettaglio
  • ARPEC: A novel staggered perforated permeable caisson breakwater for wave absorption and harbour flushing, SAMMARCO, PAOLO; DE FINIS, STEFANO; CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_121164-8 Dettaglio
  • Design of a multi-use marine area off-shore the Mediterranean Sea, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_137315-9 Dettaglio
  • Regional downscaling of copernicus era5 wave data for coastal engineering activities and operational coastal services, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO; CECIONI, CLAUDIA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_54745-10 Dettaglio
  • User needs analysis for the definition of operational coastal services, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_103860-11 Dettaglio
  • A modal decomposition method for the analysis of long waves amplification at coastal areas, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_154815-12 Dettaglio
  • Numerical and laboratory analysis of post-overtopping wave impacts on a storm wall for a dike-promenade structure, DE FINIS, STEFANO; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_1641-13 Dettaglio
  • Tsunamis Generated by Submerged Landslides: Numerical Analysis of the Near-Field Wave Characteristics, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_41241-14 Dettaglio
  • 3D numerical simulation of hydro-acoustic waves registered during the 2012 negros-cebu earthquake, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_199602-15 Dettaglio
  • Estimation of wave characteristics based on global navigation satellite system data installed on board sailboats, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_189217-16 Dettaglio
  • Tsunami Resonance and Spatial Pattern of Natural Oscillation Modes With Multiple Resonators, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_149890-17 Dettaglio
  • Hydroacoustic waves measured during the 2012 Negros-Cebu earthquake, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; DE GIROLAMO, PAOLO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_78292-18 Dettaglio
  • On the Resonant Behavior of a Weakly Compressible Water Layer During Tsunamigenic Earthquakes, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_177850-19 Dettaglio
  • The use of wave forecasts for maritime activities safety assessment, DE GIROLAMO, PAOLO; DI RISIO, MARCELLO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_16761-20 Dettaglio
  • Tsunami and shelf resonance on the northern Chile coast, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_20003-21 Dettaglio
  • Wavenumber-frequency analysis of landslide-generated tsunamis at a conical island. Part II: EOF and modal analysis, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_109861-22 Dettaglio
  • Boundary conditions for modeling scattered wave field around floating bodies in elliptic wave models, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_126690-23 Dettaglio
  • Tsunamis generated by landslides at the coast of conical islands: experimental benchmark dataset for mathematical model validation, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_79840-24 Dettaglio
  • Boosting blue growth in a mild sea: Analysis of the synergies produced by a multi-purpose offshore installation in the Northern Adriatic, Italy, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_193584-25 Dettaglio
  • Depth-integrated equation for hydro-acoustic waves with bottom damping, ABDOLALI, ALI; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_46492-26 Dettaglio
  • Flap gate farm: From Venice lagoon defense to resonating wave energy production. Part 2: Synchronous response to incident waves in open sea, ABDOLALI, ALI; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_147539-27 Dettaglio
  • Hydro-acoustic and tsunami waves generated by the 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake: Modeling and in situ measurements, ABDOLALI, ALI; CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_105092-28 Dettaglio
  • Identification of post-transcriptional regulatory networks during myeloblast-to-monocyte differentiation transition, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_92191-29 Dettaglio
  • Large-scale numerical modeling of hydro-acoustic waves generated by tsunamigenic earthquakes, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; ABDOLALI, ALI; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_155550-30 Dettaglio
  • Uncertainties in the physical modelling of the wave overtopping over a rubble mound breakwater: The role of the seeding number and of the test duration, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_144742-31 Dettaglio
  • Laboratory generation of solitary waves: An inversion technique to improve available methods, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_28648-32 Dettaglio
  • Numerical modelling of long waves amplification at Marina di Carrara Harbour, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_14365-33 Dettaglio
  • Wave-power absorption from a finite array of Oscillating Wave Surge converters, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_197375-34 Dettaglio
  • Analysis of the nonlinear storage–discharge relation for hillslopes through 2D numerical modelling, FIORI, ALDO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_38913-35 Dettaglio
  • Depth-integrated equation for large scale modelling of low-frequency hydroacoustic waves, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_239-36 Dettaglio
  • Wavenumber–frequency analysis of the landslide-generated tsunamisat a conical island, ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_102705-37 Dettaglio
  • Implementation and validation of a coastal forecasting system forwind waves in the Mediterranean Sea, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_139490-38 Dettaglio
  • Modal analysis of semi-enclosed basins, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_165772-39 Dettaglio
  • The combined role of bay and shelf modes in tsunamis amplification along the coast, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_130769-40 Dettaglio
  • 3D numerical modeling of landslide-generated tsunamis around a conical island, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_63962-41 Dettaglio
  • Measurement of long waves at the harbor of Marina di Carrara, Italy, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_56343-42 Dettaglio
  • Real-time inversion of tsunamis generated by landslides, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_151702-43 Dettaglio
  • Inclusion of landslide tsunamis generation into a depth integrated wave model, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_65221-44 Dettaglio
  • Modeling tsunamis generated by submerged landslides using depth integrated equations, CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_58138-45 Dettaglio
  • Feasibility of Tsunami Early Warning Systems for small volcanic islands, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_4108-46 Dettaglio
  • Landslide generated tsunamis runup at the coast of a conical island: New physical model experiments, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_29508-47 Dettaglio
  • Prototype measurements and small-scale model tests of wave overtopping at shallow rubble-mound breakwaters: the Ostia-Rome yacht harbour case, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_141931-48 Dettaglio
  • Three-dimensional experiments on landslide generated waves at a sloping coast, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_108882-49 Dettaglio
  • Simulation of small-amplitude frequency-dispersive transient waves by means of the mild-slope equation, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; CECIONI, CLAUDIA; DE GIROLAMO, PAOLO, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_61867-50 Dettaglio
  • Transient response of harbours to long waves under resonance conditions, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_120656-51 Dettaglio
  • Eof analysis of complex response of Venice mobile gates, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_147452-52 Dettaglio
  • Field measurements of wave overtopping at the rubble mound breakwater of Rome-Ostia yacht harbour, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_116924-53 Dettaglio
  • Swash zone boundary conditions for long wave models, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_68012-54 Dettaglio
  • A simplified model of rip currents systems around discontinuous submerged breakwaters, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_22662-55 Dettaglio
  • Boussinesq modeling of breaking waves: Description of turbulence, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_26789-56 Dettaglio
  • Closure to "Treatment of wave breaking and total absorption in a mild-slope equation FEM model" by Gian Mario Beltrami, Giorgio Bellotti, Paolo De Girolamo, and Paolo Sammarco, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_143266-57 Dettaglio
  • Experimental validation and characterization of mean swash zone boundary conditions, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_51778-58 Dettaglio
  • Internal generation of waves in 2D fully-elliptic mild-slope equation FEM models, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_165315-59 Dettaglio
  • A comparison of two different types of shoreline boundary conditions, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_151095-60 Dettaglio
  • Application of wavelet transform analysis to landslide generated waves, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_176971-61 Dettaglio
  • Integral flow properties of the swash zone and averaging. Part 2. Shoreline boundary conditions for wave-averaged models, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_65597-62 Dettaglio
  • On using boussinesq-type equations near the shoreline: a note of caution, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_169468-63 Dettaglio
  • On the shoreline boundary conditions for Boussinesq-type models, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2001Link identifier #identifier_person_73305-64 Dettaglio
  • Treatment of wave-breaking and total absorption in a mild-slope equation FEM model, BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, , 2001Link identifier #identifier_person_171887-65 Dettaglio


  • Link identifier #identifier_person_164602-66Dettaglio

Contributo in volume e atti di convegno

  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Laboratory experiments on wave forces on vertical breakwaters with retreated crown walls, issn 1098-6189, pp. 2852 2856, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_42976-67Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Landslide-generated tsunamis: A numerical analysis of the near-field, vol. 36, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_36913-68Dettaglio
  • FRANCO, LEOPOLDO; CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Laboratory Tests on the Reflection Coefficient of a Perforated Caisson, pp. 253 262, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_47285-69Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Generated Tsunamis with OpenFOAM®: a New Approach, pp. 486 495, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_20237-70Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Wave Forces on Breakwater Crown Walls: Physical Model Tests and Improvement of Prediction, pp. 314 323, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_118326-71Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO, Empirical and numerical modal analysis of coastal areas prone to tsunami risk, vol. 36, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_131559-72Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Wave characteristics estimation by GPS receivers installed on a sailboat travelling off-shore, pp. 18 22, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_121292-73Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; DI RISIO, MARCELLO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; DE GIROLAMO, PAOLO, 3D physical modeling of tsunamis generated by submerged landslides at a conical island: The role of initial acceleration, vol. 35, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_186167-74Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Force measurements on storm walls due to overtopping waves: a middle-scale model experiment, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_136789-75Dettaglio
  • DE GIROLAMO, PAOLO; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; CRESPI, MATTIA GIOVANNI; DI RISIO, MARCELLO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO; SAMMARCO, PAOLO, Met-ocean and heeling analysis during the violent 21/22 october 2014 storm faced by the sailboat ECO40 in the gulf of lion: Comparison between measured and numerical wind data, COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, issn 1865-0929, vol. 632, pp. 86 105, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_100943-76Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Stima dello spettro direzionale del moto ondoso tramite ricevitori GPS installati a bordo di uno yacht a vela in navigazione oceanica, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_52688-77Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Analysis of the 21/22 October 2014 storm experienced by the sailboat ECO40 in the Gulf of Lion, pp. 290 298, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_10047-78Dettaglio
  • ABDOLALI, ALI; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Hydro-acoustic Wave Generation During the Tohoku-oki 2011 Earthquake, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_111863-79Dettaglio
  • ABDOLALI, ALI; CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Numerical modeling of low frequency hydro-acoustic waves generated by submarine tsunamigenic earthquake, vol. 2015-, pp. 725 732, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_93413-80Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; BRIGANTI, RICCARDO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, About some uncertainties in the physical and numerical modeling of wave overtopping over coastal structures, vol. 2014-, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_170278-81Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Analisi della burrasca del 21/22 ottobre 2014 incontrata dall’imbarcazione a vela ECO 40 nel Golfo del Leone, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_104345-82Dettaglio
  • ABDOLALI, ALI; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Formation of Hydro-acoustic Waves in Weakly Compressible Fluid Interacting with Viscous Weakly Compressible Seabed, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_15618-83Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Modello di larga scala per la generazione e propagazione di onde di maremoto in fluidi debolmente comprimibili, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_128787-84Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Numerical Modeling of Hydro-acoustic Waves In Weakly Compressible Fluid, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_138651-85Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Physical and numerical tests on the stability of concrete block to protection of the mound berm at caisson toe, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_2526-86Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Sull'incertezza della modellazione sperimentale della tracimazione ondosa sulle opere marittime di difesa, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_137665-87Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Tsunami early warning system based on real-time measurements of hydro-acoustic waves, PROCEDIA ENGINEERING, issn 1877-7058, vol. 70, pp. 311 320, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_195016-88Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; CECIONI, CLAUDIA, Un nuovo modello numerico per la simulazione di batterie di convertitori di energia ondosa, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_12824-89Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Underwater acoustic positioning system for the SMO and KM3NeT - Italia projects, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, issn 0094-243X, vol. 1630, pp. 134 137, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_121227-90Dettaglio
  • FIORI, ALDO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Determination of discharge storage relation using numerical models for homogeneous 2D vertical hillslopes, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_37013-91Dettaglio
  • FRANCO, LEOPOLDO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Hydraulic and numerical modeling of the performance of PI-type Floating Breakwaters, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_113329-92Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Il progetto SMO: Submarine Multidisciplinary Observatory, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_14203-93Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Laboratory generation of solitary waves: an inversion technique to improve available methods, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_43314-94Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Mathematical modelling of the oscillating wave surge converter, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_68635-95Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Modal analysis of semi-enclosed coastal basins: natural modes and their influence in the response to transient long waves, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_147597-96Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, New 3d physical modeling of landslide generated tsunamis at a conical island, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_17670-97Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Numerical modeling of hydro-acoustic wave generated by submerged earthquakes, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_44617-98Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Sistemi esperti per la previsione probabilistica del moto ondoso ai fini dell'operatività marittima, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_86264-99Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Una tecnica di inversione per il miglioramento della generazione di onde solitariein laboratorio, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_36029-100Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Full Frequency Dispersive Numerical Modeling of Tsunamis, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_132675-101Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Generation and Propagation of Frequency-Dispersive Tsunamis, pp. 621 640, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_9047-102Dettaglio
  • ROMANO, ALESSANDRO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; FRANCO, LEOPOLDO, Performance evaluation of a point absorber wave energy converter, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_188981-103Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, The Italian activities on tsunami risk mitigation-The operating landslide tsunami early warning system of Stromboli (Aeolian Islands-Italy), 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_52258-104Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, 2D-H modeling of tunamis generated by landslides, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_61547-105Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, 3D numerical investigation on landslide generated tsunamis around a conical island, vol. 12, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_157696-106Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Development of a high-resolution nearshore wave forecasting/hindcasting system for the Italian coasts, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_133056-107Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; COLACE, LORENZO; LIMONGELLI, CARLA; PATRIGNANI, MAURIZIO; SCIORTINO, GIAMPIERO; TOSCANO, ALESSANDRO, L’e-learning nell’insegnamento universitario tradizionale, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_72818-108Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Propagation of Tsunamis over Large Areas using COMSOL, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_187542-109Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; ROMANO, ALESSANDRO, Tsunamis generated by landslides along the coast of a conical island: a new set of three-dimensional experiments, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_122437-110Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Validation of analytical and numerical models of landslide tsunamis propagating around a conical island, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_99055-111Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Analytical and numerical investigation on landslide tsunamis propagating along a plane beach, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_155063-112Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Full frequency dispersive numerical modelling of tsunamis. Large scale application to the south tyrrhenian sea, pp. 1337 1347, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_22235-113Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Full frequency dispersive numerical modelling oftsunamis. Large scale application to the SouthTyrrhenian sea, vol. 10, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_123571-114Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Indagine sperimentale su onde di maremoto generate da frane lungo le pendici di un'isola conica, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_170685-115Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Landslide generated tsunamis at the coast of a conical island: new three-dimensional experiments, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_74993-116Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Numerical modeling of landslide generated tsunamis around a conical island, pp. 1287 1297, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_109533-117Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Simulazione numerica tridimensionale di onde di maremoto generate da una frana, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_80497-118Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Tsunamis generated by landslide along the coast of a conical island: new three-dimensional experiments, pp. 1396 1408, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_95060-119Dettaglio
  • CECIONI, CLAUDIA; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, A three dimensional numerical model for complex interaction between water waves and coastal structures, vol. 2, pp. 1364 1375, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_180745-120Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, An improved analytical model for estimating water level set-up and currents induced by waves over submerged low crested coastal defence structures, vol. 1, pp. 975 989, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_182933-121Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Design of an artificial surf reef at s. marinella, Rome (italy), vol. 1, pp. 389 399, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_158956-122Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Field and experimental measures of tidal current forces acting on cellular caissons of shoulder structures of Lido S. Nicolò inlet for Venice flood barrier project, vol. 2, pp. 1330 1339, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_80577-123Dettaglio
  • DE GIROLAMO, PAOLO; BELLOTTI, GIORGIO; DI RISIO, MARCELLO, Numerical simulation of three dimensional tsunamis water waves generated by landslides: Comparison between physical model results, VOF and SPH, pp. 1516 1528, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_118722-124Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Simulation of fluid-structure interaction using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations, vol. 1, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_92732-125Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Tsunami waves generated by landslides along a straight sloping coast: New three-dimensional experiments, pp. 1431 1442, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_155793-126Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Fenomeni transitori connessi alla risonanza portuale, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_7210-127Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Field measurement of harbour resonance at Marina di Carrara, vol. 2, pp. 1280 1292, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_68301-128Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Numerical simulation of three dimensional tsunamis water waves generated by landlsides: comparison between physical model results, VOF, SPH and depth-integrated models, vol. 2, pp. 1516 1528, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_138964-129Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Nuovi esperimenti tridimensionali sulle onde di maremoto generate da frane su una costa rettilinea, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_55524-130Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Preannuncio di un evento di maremoto. Parte 2: Previsione in tempo reale delle onde in costa con un nuovo modello numerico dispersivo in frequenza, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_192594-131Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Preannuncio di un evento di maremoto. Parte 3: SPH modelling of non linear shallow water equations, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_101546-132Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Prime analisi delle onde lunghe misurate nel porto di Carrara, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_137219-133Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, SPH modelling of non linear shallow water equations, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_17625-134Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Tsunami waves generated by landslides on a plane beach: new three dimensional experiments, vol. 2, pp. 1431 1442, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_34471-135Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Condizioni idrodinamiche lungo le coste abruzzesi protette da barriere a debole sommergenza per la difesa del litorale, pp. 326 335, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_17671-136Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Hazards to people and property from wave overtopping at coastal structures, pp. 153 165, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_108348-137Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Misure di prototipo per lo studio della risonanza del porto di Marina di Carrara, pp. 132 142, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_159481-138Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Prototype measurement and analysis of overtopping waves individual volume at the Roma yacht harbour rubble mound breakwater, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_77951-139Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, A Boussinesq modelling of breaking waves: description of turbulence, pp. 402 414, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_140621-140Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Boussinesq modelling of water waves generated by subaerial landslides, vol. 3, pp. 581 588, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_8122-141Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Misura in prototipo della tracimazione ondosa sulla diga a scogliera del porto turistico di Roma a Ostia, vol. 3, pp. 519 526, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_32912-142Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, On the hydrodynamics of breaking waves, vol. 3, pp. 705 712, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_61625-143Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Un semplice modello per il calcolo della velocita' delle correnti di rip e del sovralzo nell’intorno di barriere sommerse discontinue per la difesa delle spiagge, vol. 3, pp. 503 510, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_58969-144Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Wave overtopping at Ostia yacht harbour breakwater, comparison between prototype and model tests in 2D and 3D, pp. 4288 4300, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_15041-145Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, A simplified model for estimating rip currents flow parameters: application to a study case, vol. 3, pp. 1983 1990, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_151785-146Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Full-scale measurement of wave overtopping at Ostia-Rome yacht harbour breakwater, pp. 507 519, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_195568-147Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Misura della tracimazione del moto ondoso nel porto di Ostia, pp. 83 92, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_120200-148Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Nearshore waves and currents at Pellestrina, vol. 3, pp. 2145 2154, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_110811-149Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, On swash zone boundary conditions for wave-averaged models, vol. 1, pp. 895 903, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_118601-150Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, The swash zone as a boundary layer, pp. 23 24, 2003 Link identifier #identifier_person_134421-151Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, A numerical study on rip currents forced by time-varying wave conditions, vol. 4, pp. 205 212, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_187893-152Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Shoreline boundary conditions for wave-averaged models, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_158616-153Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Some swash zone boundary conditions for wave-averaged models, vol. 4, pp. 213 220, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_41628-154Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Studio sperimentale delle onde impulsive generate dalla caduta di frane nei bacini artificiali. Parte I: Descrizione del modello fisico e delle metodologie di analisi dei dati, vol. 4, pp. 405 412, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_516-155Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Ottimizzazione della disposizione planimetrica delle dighe frangiflutti portuali per contenere i problemi di sedimentazione, pp. 219 229, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_111946-156Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Studio della penetrazione del moto ondoso nei porti mediante l’ applicazione di un modello di boussinesq, pp. 209 218, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_103616-157Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Trattamento del frangimento e della condizione di riflessione in un modello di integrazione agli elementi finiti della mild-slope equation, vol. 4, pp. 239 246, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_66542-158Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Wave shoaling and run-up by means of a boussinesq-type model, vol. 4, pp. 129 136, 2000 Link identifier #identifier_person_82423-159Dettaglio
  • BELLOTTI, GIORGIO, Un modello agli elementi finiti per la risoluzione della ‘mild slope equation’ con l’inclusione di un termine dissipativo, vol. 3, pp. 193 206, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_191585-160Dettaglio