The course deals with microeconomic and macroeconomic issues related to two main thematic areas. The first concerns the regional economy, with particular regard to economic dualism, the processes of convergence and mitigation of economic fluctuations applied to both the Italian and European contexts, to European cohesion policy. The second, focuses on market dynamics, industrial policy, the economy of digital markets; policies for innovation and technology transfer.
The course includes practical applications using economic data. Students will become familiar with the consultation of some of the main national and international databases such as Eurostat, Istat, World Bank; OECD, as well as with the processing of data and the construction of economic indicators. The knowledge and skills acquired will make it possible to process, analyze and discuss the data within the reference economic context and within the framework of the relevant economic policies. Finally, students will acquire practical skills in the preparation of texts accompanied by data.
teacher profile | teaching materials


This course aims to provide students with a deeper knowledge of those principles of economics acquired in the founding courses of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. It deals with economic theory, real world economic performances, and public policies. The main economic issues will be analyzed and discussed with a particular attention to European and Italian economies (GDP trend, households consumption, employment, disposable income and income redistribution, public finance, international trade, European policies). The analysis of the economy and economic policy instruments will be conducted through the use of official reports and documents from the most important national and European Institutions.

Core Documentation

Il materiale completo (incluse le slide) è disponibile sul sito: https://sites.google.com/site/eleonorapierucci/ nella sezione teaching

Il programma dettagliato verrà comunicato con l'inizio delle lezioni.

Lucidi delle lezioni

Per i richiami dei concetti macroeconomici e gli esercizi:
Lieberman and Hall, Principi di Economia, III ed., Apogeo,

Giunta A., Rossi S., Che cosa sa fare l'Italia, 2017 Laterza.

Banca d’Italia, Relazione Annuale.

Rapporti Istat.

Type of delivery of the course
