International agreements

Roma Tre signs agreements with partner institutions within the framework of one of the following scenarios:

  • Institutional Contacts: The Rector of the University and the Higher Management as well other professors propose agreements with third parties we identify as institutional partners. Generally this implies the signature of a framework agreement or of a memorandum of understanding. The request for the signature of an agreement can also come from the partner institutions themselves, in this case the International Policies Office verifies the interest of the Roma Tre academic community in the partnership.
  • Projects and International Relations Activities: upon request of a member of the Roma Tre Academic Community, Departments can sign project or activity related agreements. We generally call these executive protocols.
  • International and National Frameworks and Programmes: within certain programmes, such as the Erasmus + programme of the EU, Roma Tre signs direct agreements with partner institutions according to templates, procedures and regulations foreseen within these specific consolidated systems.

 Erasmus + agreements

If your institution is eligible for the Erasmus Programme and you wish to sign an agreement with Roma Tre, please contact our Link identifier #identifier__65530-1European Student Mobility  Programmes Office.

Cotutelle agreements

Roma Tre has also signed various cotutelle de thèse agreements at Phd level. For further information please contact the National Research Office

Other types of agreements

If you require information on other types of agreements or on already existing inter-university agreements, please contact the Link identifier #identifier__75895-2International Policies Office


Or click the Link identifier #identifier__131040-3Italian Ministry of Education database filtering according to the different parameters.



Informazioni di sistema 13 February 2024