Postgraduate courses

Roma Tre offers a wide range of postgraduate programmes, among them: Advanced Professional courses, Advanced and Higher Education courses, Summer and Winter Schools.

Link identifier #identifier__157156-2Advanced Professional courses of I or II level

Advanced Professional courses of I or II level according to the required entry qualification: I level post-graduate courses can be attended by students holding a Bachelor’s Degree; II level post-graduate courses by students holding a Master’s Degree or a Single Cycle Course Degree. They generally are one-year programmes (60 ECTS). At the end of the course, a post-graduate certificate is awarded.


Link identifier #identifier__35391-4Advanced training courses

Advanced training courses, referred to in art. 4 of Academic regulations with the purpose to complete, at least, I level university education by responding to special needs thus developing graduates’ professional skills. They usually last less than one year by the recognition of a number of ECTS (generally less than 60). At the end of the course, a final certificate is awarded.



Link identifier #identifier__2230-6Summer/Winter School

Summer schools offer exchange and training programs on specific issues representing an opportunity for in-depth study and discussion.





Informazioni di sistema 17 January 2024