Funding opportunities

Funding from competitive tenders generally foresee a public call for proposal characterised by the participation of several subjects (universities, public/private foundations and institutions, research institutions, departments, research groups or units etc.) and by a selection through a refereeing system.

Concerning the above mentioned funding resources, the Link identifier #identifier__85673-1National Research Office and the Link identifier #identifier__8387-2European and International Research Office  support professors and researchers in identifying the best research funding opportunities at a local, regional, national, European and international level.

Hereinafter the main reference links.

National fundings

  • Link identifier #identifier__181469-1MUR: funding opportunities from the University and Research Italian Ministry
  • Other Fundinf Opportunities: coming from other Ministries, Institutions, Foundations etc. and it will be shared with the entire affected community in the moment they become known

International fundings

Informazioni di sistema 13 February 2024