Political Science

 The Department of Political Sciences offers a broad and solid education in political and social phenomena and their interaction with the main legal and economic issues of our time. Moreover, it provides an in-depth knowledge of appropriate methods for the analysis of relations between the actors operating in the international scene. 

The main purpose of the degree programs is to provide an adequate competence related to political and economic processes as for contexts and dimensions. A thorough cultural education with an interdisciplinary approach allows students to face the challenges of a contemporary world increasingly connected with critical and creative skills. Thus, enabling them to acquire more suitable tools to access a wide range of careers at a national and international level 

The Department has, in fact, a strong international outlook in different areas thanks to several European and non-European agreements with Partner Institutions. 

As for the Master degrees in “International Relations” and “International Studies” there are currently in place joint agreements, leading to a double degree respectively with the University of Belgrano (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and with the American University, Washington DC 

The course catalogue offers three Bachelor’s Degrees, in “ Link identifier #identifier__127248-1Political science”, “Link identifier #identifier__46157-2Policies, cooperation and development”, “Link identifier #identifier__184607-3Government and administration” and four Master’s degrees in “Link identifier #identifier__34463-4International relations”, “Link identifier #identifier__60103-5International studies”, “Global security studies: environment, energy and conflicts”, “Governments and public policies”. These degree courses, highly current and innovative, take in particular account  the change of professional skills, using a well-established  network of relations with stakeholders. 

It promotes the integration and coordination between research and teaching activities, focusing on the partnerships with foreign Universities and research centers both at education and scientific level, from Bachelor to PhD degrees. This is achieved  not only through professors with an international proven track record  but as well through the enhancing of the language component. 

The Department, also supports, in addition to teaching, research and internationalization, the so-called Third mission of the University, namely through the transfer and dissemination of knowledge and through educational initiatives aimed at citizens thanks to a cooperation network with institutions and organizations at local level. 



WebsiteLink identifier #identifier__63349-6https://scienzepolitiche.uniroma3.it/
DirectorLink identifier #identifier__115873-7EMILIA FIANDRA
Email: direttore.scienzepolitiche@uniroma3.it
Administration and Management Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__58073-8LUCA MORGANTE
Phone: 06 57335207/5407
Fax: 06 57335285
Email: amm.scienzepolitiche@uniroma3.it
Research Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__21957-9LUCA MORGANTE
Phone: 06 57335286/5205/5281
Fax: 06 57335285
Email: ricerca.scienzepolitiche@uniroma3.it
Academic Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__177017-10PAOLO LEONI
Phone: 06 57335204/5307
Fax: 06 57335285
Email: didattica.scienzepolitiche@uniroma3.it
Link identifier #identifier__152661-11Academic staff
Link identifier #identifier__29911-12Non-academic staff
Informazioni di sistema 08 June 2023